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Episode Day 67 (Thurs 3/10/13): Nominations #9 (90m)

Exactly. Honestly I think Drew's so bored now that Tully's gone and that's why he's been stirring the pot so much this week. I don't really see why people are having such averse reactions to it though - at this point half the housemates are playing to win and doing their best to manipulate people/make others look bad/play people against each other. And I find all of it THOROUGHLY entertaining.
Wait... you think Drew's bored now that Tully's gone?!

That doesn't make sense. We were told him and Jade are true love and Tully stole him away from Tim and sucked the fun out of him. And yet Tully's been gone for a couple of weeks now and Drew still sucks. When he's not bitching and backstabbing he played second fiddle - by a long shot - to Tim once in the spa thing.

Who should we blame now?
Nathan's exempt this week as he hadn't been a full HM for 7 days before today's noms. Same as the start of the season where everyone was safe for the first week. One of the girls should be gone tomorrow, thus making the other a full HM. So then a regular HM goes. And then Nathan (with that girl exempt from eviction). Then it'll be time for a girl to go as they'll have been a proper HM fby then.
Ugh. You're right. I'm hoping for doubles then.
Coming into this week, I wanted Ed gone for the obvious reasons. But now I really want Drew to go. Until now, Ed has been the only person to nominate Drew and if Ed goes before him, I fear even with Tim's potential nomination points, he'll never garner enough votes to go back up. The nominees all have strong fanbases so this is a golden, rare opportunity to get Drew evicted. Ed is on borrowed time. If he and his cards don't go this week, in the next two weeks (Nathan is next, he'll be out.

Also, regarding Nathan, I am really disappointed he was not eligible for nomination this week. He well and truly sucks and the best case scenario would be for him to walk so we don't have to go through the trouble of waiting a week, hms wasting points on that lump and his inevitable eviction.

Ahhh more than one person has nominated Drew this season, and if we get to pedantics, we have Ed, clearly out for Drew from almost week one, with high points weekly ... He doesn't give him 4 points because he is undecided, and the others dont just let drew "slide" when nomination time comes up.

With how Opinionated Mikkayla and Tahan are, nobody would last 5 minutes under Ed's assumption of Drew!
Wait... you think Drew's bored now that Tully's gone?!

That doesn't make sense. We were told him and Jade are true love and Tully stole him away from Tim and sucked the fun out of him. And yet Tully's been gone for a couple of weeks now and Drew still sucks. When he's not bitching and backstabbing he played second fiddle - by a long shot - to Tim once in the spa thing.

Who should we blame now?

..yes? I wasn't talking about his friendships with Tim or Jade? I just meant that I think he's bored and considering he's said himself he's not that close with anyone left in the house (bar Ben I guess), figures he might as well use the rest of his time to play the game as hard as he can.

Also, I don't know if this was mentioned but I thought it was funny that Drew and Jade nominated exactly the same this week - Ben and Tahan each for pretty much the same reasons.
Ahhh more than one person has nominated Drew this season, and if we get to pedantics, we have Ed, clearly out for Drew from almost week one, with high points weekly ... He doesn't give him 4 points because he is undecided, and the others dont just let drew "slide" when nomination time comes up.
According to my count prior to this episode and according to the graphic BB showed during this episode, no one other than Ed has nominated Drew. So if you can, please refresh my memory?

I thought my post made it clear that I'm not a fan of Ed. If there's any confusion, I am not. The dullard needs to go so he can stop repeating the same diatribes, obsessing over Tim and so Jade can finally be vindicated. But! Drew is the least nominated housemate and the opportunity to evict him is rare. I would cope with two/three more weeks of mumbles to see someone like Drew who has ridden the coattails of Tim and Tully and in the first week Jade absent from the final. I wholeheartedly believe if not for those three, Drew would just be the pretty boy with all the magnetism of a box of hair.
Sorry .. culture clash...
Who the hell is Karl Pilkington?

Karl Pilkington is an English personality, most notably known for being Ricky Gervais' 'dimwitted' friend, due to his incredibly strong, and yet utterly ridiculous stances on certain topics.

Ignorance is bliss...........and hilarious!
According to my count prior to this episode and according to the graphic BB showed during this episode, no one other than Ed has nominated Drew. So if you can, please refresh my memory?

I thought my post made it clear that I'm not a fan of Ed. If there's any confusion, I am not. The dullard needs to go so he can stop repeating the same diatribes, obsessing over Tim and so Jade can finally be vindicated. But! Drew is the least nominated housemate and the opportunity to evict him is rare. I would cope with two/three more weeks of mumbles to see someone like Drew who has ridden the coattails of Tim and Tully and in the first week Jade absent from the final. I wholeheartedly believe if not for those three, Drew would just be the pretty boy with all the magnetism of a box of hair.

But at least Drew actually had the sort of personality who could engage and entertain us - albeit in tandem with Tim, Tully and Jade. And have actual conversations, fun and relationships with them (and w Ben - they are also cute together). I don't know if I have ever seen Ed actually have fun. (Or a proper conversation bar about four sentances). Maybe Drew has lost the plot a bit but I think there is more potential for there to be another plot involving his own personality and not just Ed relying on Jade's lovesick personality for any plot involving him. All he has done is work out, freak out about bananas, get pissed and dance stoopidly and then kiss Jade (but not sober), then double cross her, 'threaten' to play his cards and mumble. (And while his brother pimps him out and sks Karl stefanovic for help saving him). Not a fan (in case that hasn't been at all clear!)
I was disappointed in Jade's decision (at the time I might add)... its flipping marvellous that it resulted in Ed being up, but she was not to know that. She saw that Tahan had Mikkayla on 3 points and did not choose to shred that. Leaving those three points could have resulted in Mikkayla being up for all she knew. If Tahan had put Ed on 3 and Mikkayla on 2 instead of the other way around, I think she would have left Tim's and shredded Tahan's. With regard to Ed... she has already seen him throw HER under a bus and swap her..... then of course he NOMMED her, but it was all about saving Ed. Putting aside for one minute the love obsession she has with him, Jade considers Ed a big player in there .... in which case.... has she no interest in getting rid of a big player who might stand in HER way for the money. I am beginning to think she would take a bullet for him !
Ed said exactly what I was thinking about Mikk's remarks regarding Nathan.

You can't tell someone else how to feel!! "Does he have the right to be upset?" Umm...yeah he does.

Mikk is starting to really grate.

What crap! You guys pick up the tiniest thing & bitch worse than Mikkayla ever does. Why aren't you insulted that Nathan thinks Australia are idiots?
It's not just the backstabbing - he realises who is popular (eg. Tim, Ben, Tully, Jade and more recently, Tahan) and latches on to them like a leech to get him through a few weeks - he is a secondary player at all times, inflating their egos and encouraging them to put themselves on the chopping block, but acting all innocent about his association afterwards

Not that I'm a huge Drew fan - but , if he realizes who is popular good for him & they all act innocent afterwards
I am thinking Eds' family should not have been so quick to hate on Jade. Will Jade fans throw him some saves and will they have the audacity to use their relationship to garner votes?

Poor Jade didn't know that she could have saved Ed. 3 points could have made a difference for Ed and if Mikkayla went up then so be it. What about the power of knowing how people nommed and not being able to share it? BB has let them get away with quite a bit this year. Would telling Ed not to trust Tahan soon after nominations be okay as long as she doesn't admit to seeing how she voted?

Talking about Tahans boyfriend spending money to save her. At least here and on FB I see she has fans.
I am thinking though that someone in Ed family is spending money on Ed since I don't see as much fan support for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes it through this one as well.
But at least Drew actually had the sort of personality who could engage and entertain us - albeit in tandem with Tim, Tully and Jade. And have actual conversations, fun and relationships with them (and w Ben - they are also cute together). I don't know if I have ever seen Ed actually have fun. (Or a proper conversation bar about four sentances). Maybe Drew has lost the plot a bit but I think there is more potential for there to be another plot involving his own personality and not just Ed relying on Jade's lovesick personality for any plot involving him. All he has done is work out, freak out about bananas, get pissed and dance stoopidly and then kiss Jade (but not sober), then double cross her, 'threaten' to play his cards and mumble. (And while his brother pimps him out and sks Karl stefanovic for help saving him). Not a fan (in case that hasn't been at all clear!)

I'm torn. Drew is just a follower/ hanger oner. With Tim he was entertaining but only as side kick to Tims ideas. With Jade we all hoped a little romance might happen. With Tully he was pussy whipped by her and because she was such an unstable erratic mess he got a lot of attention for being in the middle of the storm. On his own though he is very meh aside from having turned into a tattle tale, which to me is quite different to cleverly stirring the pot. It takes skill to get people thinking and acting certain ways but it takes no real skill to go back and forth repeating conversations you have heard. Tim was hilarious in the massage room, Drew once again was just following on.

Then we have Ed. Ugh! Definitely has tickets on himself and can't communicate clearly and keeps trying to dangle a carrot in front of us about 'cards he has yet to play' which we all know is bs and he has many times talked big but has never been able to follow through with showing strong character (picking Jade for eviction instead of Tim, supposedly staging a mutiny against Tim, saying he will show the public what's really happening in the house then showing nothing, hopping Justynn would take a Tim down - essentially admitting he couldn't). All the crap he comes out with is ridiculous.

I'm not big on intruders. Never have been. Generally I want them to be the first out ASAP but I would be very happy if the next few weeks just see Drew and Ed go and then all the intruders.
Anyone noticed how clingy Mikkayla was with Jade when BB was talking to her in the living area? hugging her and kissing her ugghh!!! WE HAVE A NEW EMOTIONAL HIJACKER YOU GUYS!!

You are full of shit - I went back & looked at it again when you wrote that because I didn't remember it - all she did was give Jade a quick shoulder squeeze. I realize haters will take any little thing & twist it, but your hate imagination is creating things that didn't happen!
That was almost the perfect line up - Tim Vs Ben Vs Tahan..... then jade had to fuck the superpower up and now ED/Drew are in there and now Tahan will fucking survive again. The bitch needs to get out. Not a fan of Ed either, and if he goes I can deal, but REALLY want Tahan gone!

if jade didn't shred tim's vote, ben wouldn't have been a nominee seeing as ed had 7 points and ben only had 4. the only reason ben is up is because of jade's superpower. it was tahan - 8 points, tim - 7 points, and ed - 7 points before she shred tim's vote. even drew had more points than ben.
My three laugh out loud moments

1. The filingcabinetagate
2. Mr Clooney trying to have a 69'er with Ben
3. Tim's Bindi Irwin comment

Too funny.

My biggest unlaugh out loud moment was admiring the housemates Spring tans, applying some instant tan before bed last night and waking up and looking like I am in liver failure. Thankfully I am not Ooompa Loompa orange, I am more Hep C yellow. :(
I was disappointed in Jade's decision (at the time I might add)... its flipping marvellous that it resulted in Ed being up, but she was not to know that. She saw that Tahan had Mikkayla on 3 points and did not choose to shred that. Leaving those three points could have resulted in Mikkayla being up for all she knew. If Tahan had put Ed on 3 and Mikkayla on 2 instead of the other way around, I think she would have left Tim's and shredded Tahan's. With regard to Ed... she has already seen him throw HER under a bus and swap her..... then of course he NOMMED her, but it was all about saving Ed. Putting aside for one minute the love obsession she has with him, Jade considers Ed a big player in there .... in which case.... has she no interest in getting rid of a big player who might stand in HER way for the money. I am beginning to think she would take a bullet for him !

I've actually thought this for a while. If Jade and Ed are the final 2 (God forbid) I wouldn't be surprised if Jade voluntarily forfeits so Ed can win.
i totally forgot about clooney stealing the show during the spoon train.... that shoulda headlined my random thoughts!

clooney is the best hm this season, for sure
Has no one mentioned Ben's bs nomination reasons. It's so obvious that every move he makes is calculated to maintain his innocent crystalline Bambi image. His noms were totally strategic; he just desperately wants to appear like he isn't playing the game (which is why he freaked out at being placed most likely to win) and thus invented those eyeroll inducing reasons.
Just watching the show now. I think that the super power should not be revealed until after all the hm's nominate. The only great thing about the super power is that no one seems to nominate the person with it. Would be much more interesting if the hm's didn't know who had it
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Jade stuffed up with her nominations, she would have know Tahan was a given to be up.

She should have nominated Tim & Ben.