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Episode Day 65 (Tue 01/10/13): Daily Show (60 min)

Yep that would be great! They got enough footage from just Drew, Tim and Ed tonight for the entire show aha.

Yeah, let them see that Drew's playing it as hard as Tim is! I hate how Ed talks about Tim playing the game, when he's got his head in it too! Just not as effective!

If Ed's still in the house at the stage, I wonder if he'd have dropped any 'bombs' yet!
I must be getting tired or something because I really didn't have an issue or cringe with any of the Jade stuff tonight and usually I do when it pertains to Ed. I expected it to be bad, really bad, but I didn't really have an issue. Her talk with BB in the diary room seemed very tongue in cheek. And I expected her to not leave Ed's side but she seemed to be with Tim for a lot of the night. I must have missed stuff though given the reaction here.

Drew was who shocked me though. I mean I know he can be a bitch but I didn't expect that. I was actually feeling sorry for Ed. Special Ed FFS!

I felt the same re: Jade/Ed stuff - I was expecting it to be worse. Just as with some of the text that goes with videos, the narrative seemed disconnected to the vision. Thought the diary room was pretty funny.

I think some of the adverse reaction may be due to overkill - we have had Jade/Ed shoved down our throats for weeks now, and no matter what it is when something is thrown at you continually you reach breaking point.When Tim took Jade to the PS he said afterwards that she spoke about Ed for about an hour - not all night, but that wasn't how it was portrayed. However, in last week's confidential we saw a snippet of them in there with Jade describing when she and her family had been invited to the Vatican because one of her father's artworks was being displayed by the previous Pope. It was interesting and Tim was interested.

That kind of stuff (and this is true with all housemates) doesn't make the edit if it doesn't fit a story arc.
Drew and Ed against Tim. WTF?

Don't you remember the original mutiny against Tim? Tully, Drew, Tahan, Heidi, Ed.

I don't think tahan is really friends with Tim. She wants to be close to Tim so she can get a better picture on how he operates, so she can bring him down. I still think tahan is part of the mutiny against Tim, but is playing it smart.

I also want to know what conversations went on between and Justynn and Tahan for Tahan to have preferred Justynn over Nathan. Maybe Justynn gave her good strategic advice on how to bring Tim down.
OK. I just want to say again I love Tim and enjoy his antics. When the divide was still up and Drew and Tully first started chatting Tim went into the bedroom and said hes still out there what is he doing with her, then stated that he was wondering how to take Drew down and this could be it. Tim clearly saw him as a threat and was relieved that Drew could possibly cause his own downfall.

In regards to Jade and the sisters Tim has said many times that he wanted them gone and hoped they would go to other HMs before during and after his trysts with them.

Ben, he complains about him and being threatened by him and has told HMs not to indulge his neediness or whatever you would describe his ways then is the person who tries talking to him and building him up. Its crafty.

All I was trying to show was that why is Tim's game playing allowed but others like Drew cant give it a go and he is a backstabber. Glass houses ppl if your fave is guilty of something then you shouldn't criticise the HMs you don't like for doing the same thing.

Drew was just taking his turn with stirring the pot.
I think the difference is that Tim may say he wants certain people out but when it comes to nomination his actions speak louder than words. He's never nominated Jade, Ben, Tahan or Drew. In fact out of all the remaining HMs the only ones he's nominated have been Ed (4 times) , Mikkayla (the first week) and K/L (the most recent one).
Drew however has nominated Ben, Ed, Tahan and K/L all twice and Mikk and bloody Jade of all people once.

That's the main difference between the two of them.: Tim may get annoyed with people - as I think any of us would - and may try to stir things up but he has had his friends' backs the whole way through. The only back Drew has had is his own and to some extent Tully's. The game is over for him.
Just watching the garden of eden now....and I have to agree with other posters - Tahan did not even finish admiring the garden before she starts ripping people to shreds. Sheesh. No wonder she doesn't make gal pals easily.

Drew and Tahan seemed to take great delight in pushing Maddie oh so gently towards Ed. Bitches both of them. They couldn't WAIT to get in there to try and cause something. Not how you treat friends in the real world Drew (Tahan I excuse as she admits she doesn't have gel friends so she is unschooled in this).

Over the fauxmance focus, but had a little giggle to myself over Tim wanting Jade 'back' when she has never been his to have. waiting for the Tim/Ed convo.
I think the difference is that Tim may say he wants certain people out but when it comes to nomination his actions speak louder than words. He's never nominated Jade, Ben, Tahan or Drew. In fact out of all the remaining HMs the only ones he's nominated have been Ed (4 times) , Mikkayla (the first week) and K/L (the most recent one).
Drew however has nominated Ben, Ed, Tahan and K/L twice and Mikk and bloody Jade of all people once.

That's the main difference between the two of them: Tim may get annoyed with people but he has had his friends' backs the whole way through. The only back Drew has had is his own and to some extent Tully's. The game is over for him.

Well I will be voting to save him!
Poor Ed having to put up with Drew and Tim. Two little bitches. I bet he wishes guys like Matt and Caleb were still there.
I think the difference is that Tim may say he wants certain people out but when it comes to nomination his actions speak louder than words. He's never nominated Jade, Ben, Tahan or Drew. In fact out of all the remaining HMs the only ones he's nominated have been Ed (4 times) , Mikkayla (the first week) and K/L (the most recent one).
Drew however has nominated Ben, Ed, Tahan and K/L all twice and Mikk and bloody Jade of all people once.

That's the main difference between the two of them.: Tim may get annoyed with people - as I think any of us would - and may try to stir things up but he has had his friends' backs the whole way through. The only back Drew has had is his own and to some extent Tully's. The game is over for him.

Seriously? I doubt it. I still think he will be top 5, probably even top 3.
Yeah I guess, tho' product placement and viewer subscriptions could help.

how much would a subscription be and how big would the product placement have to be? Plus would you get any decent housemate with a non garanteed national audience. I love the idea and we could vote on tasks and challenges.[/QUOTE]

I actually think it could attract participants who would prove to be very interesting indeed. And they'd do it for little more than the experience, the experimemt, and the exposure. A weekly/monthly pass for 24hour viewing and forum access, p'raps a few dollars more to have an interactive experience such as contributing ideas for House rules, tasks, secret head-fcuk mind games to play on Housemates..$5-$10pw?
I don't know, I'm just going on a wander in "What-If? Land" :D
It would be great to have live feeds for people who want to pay for 24/7 like in the States and even in Canada we had live 24/7 free feeds for our first year of BBCanada, it would be awesome if BBAU would do it too. Makes people more invested in the people and we actually see what they are really like instead of the cookie cutter heavily edited shows that are on now.
I WAS a tim fan at the start but it does wear thin when all he does is scheme and try to bring people down. People LOVE to watch tim, but I guarantee that most people wouldn't like having Tim as a friend once the initial fun wears off and all he does is play with you.

Tim doesn't treat people as people. He treats them as things. I was put off when he was in the DR and BB asked him about the new intruders, and Tim described them as "presents."