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Episode Day 65 (Tue 01/10/13): Daily Show (60 min)

What! Tim has loved Drew's scoundrel persona and plotted behind his back and they are friends. Tim his friendly to Ben one moment then scheming the next to beat him. He wanted Lucy, got her then nominated her and bitched about wanting her out, he wanted Jade then trashed her. I enjoy Tim's antics but he even backstabbed Tahan tonight. I don't know what show you are watching I think even Tim would admit he has betrayed his 'friends'.
Plotted behind Drew's back. I don't recall him doing so? Tell me when?

Scheming the next moment to beat Ben? How is he scheming against Ben to beat him? He has stated that Ben is his biggest competition but how has he schemed against him? He once said that Ben was getting on his nerves to the others and than Tully and Drew said Tim is only saying that to turn others against Ben and that swayed a lot of the publics thoughts, obviously it swayed yours. Perhaps he was just voicing his frustration about Ben? Who wouldn't get annoyed every now and then when you live with these people 24/7?

The Lucy one is fair enough but how that compares to Drew manipulating Ed against his friend Tim is beyond me. Tim and Lucy just had a fun hook up when they were drunk as they were both looking for affection. On the whole though, The Sisters do not add to Tim's experience as much as others so he would rather them go. Is that such a bad thing? He has bitched about them a few times but they have done the same.

He wanted Jade and then trashed her? Wtf. Tim has hasved her from nominations, he took her to the PS, he stuck up for her when others bitched about her to him, and yet you think he trashed her? Explain how?

I don't think Tim backstabbed Tahan. He was talking to Jade about how Tahan has played him and Ed against each other which is true. I don't think Tim really cares though nor should he care because Tim and Tahan are two people who don't really trust each other but they just enjoy mucking around together and have fun. Tahan is a good girl.

I am watching Big Brother. Um no he wouldn't admit to betraying his friends because he hasn't. Occasionally having a bitch about a friend who has been getting on your nerves does not equal back stabbing. I am 100% sure my friends would piss me off if I lived with them 24/7 for over 60 days and I would get on their nerves as well.
So over Jade and Ed's stupid storyline. I just need one of them to go tomorrow - and while I think Ed is a prat I'd like to see him stay over Jade to at least watch him struggle with Tim for another week. If Ed goes, I can only see myself becoming more irritated at a mopey Jade. She's a nice girl but boring as batshit. And Nathan can go next week too. I'm so mad at Justynn for screwing up the chance to be an interesting intruder. He played it so pathetically and now we're stuck with nice guy Nathan.

I hate them all except Tim and Drew right now.
I just saw the promo Tully is back - my ass she is

Tully can't stop crying
Tully was cartED out and can't come back
Cast your eyes away from the evil Tully
I wouldn't spend a cent to keep her
She will only chat when she can make it can be about her
Tully's tax on the house cost us much viewing pleasure
I saw a cyst on her shoulders, it is called a head

And I can't think of any more safe 4 letter words starting with C and ending with T

Hi Everyone
Hahahaha!! Hi Randal!
The day he overheard Jade and Drew talking about Tully and Tim was running back to Tully telling her everything so Drew and Tully had that big fight, for example. There was a lot more.
Ah yes I remember that but I don't remember it in detail. I think you are right though. A lot more? Tell me about them? I honestly do not remember.
So over Jade and Ed's stupid storyline. I just need one of them to go tomorrow - and while I think Ed is a prat I'd like to see him stay over Jade to at least watch him struggle with Tim for another week. If Ed goes, I can only see myself becoming more irritated at a mopey Jade. She's a nice girl but boring as batshit. And Nathan can go next week too. I'm so mad at Justynn for screwing up the chance to be an interesting intruder. He played it so pathetically and now we're stuck with nice guy Nathan.

I hate them all except Tim and Drew right now.

Wow, agree so much (although I can't go so far as to wishing Ed to stay since his stupid "take Tim down" campaign has been ongoing for a few weeks now with no results or interesting activity.

As for Nathan, he is a dud. I'm not even convinced it's because he's nice. Just boring or unengaging.
So Heidi is running her mouth on Twitter about how Maddie is perfect for Ed and he must be totally into her (and conversely that Jade should be evicted). Did I miss something? I didn't see that Ed was particularly into Maddie? All I saw was a pathetic edit by BB and childish games by Tim and Tahan to make it seem like Ed might be interested in Maddie but he really wasn't.
So Heidi is running her mouth on Twitter about how Maddie is perfect for Ed and he must be totally into her (and conversely that Jade should be evicted). Did I miss something? I didn't see that Ed was particularly into Maddie? All I saw was a pathetic edit by BB and childish games by Tim and Tahan to make it seem like Ed might be interested in Maddie but he really wasn't.

Probably just because Heidi hated Jade (I think, I can't remember too much about Heidi actually).
I think the only way we could get a more authentic Big Brother show, would be a web based version. I'm actually surprised that this hasn't already broken out in a big way.

Probably not financialy viable at this stage.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I guess, tho' product placement and viewer subscriptions could help.
[Hang on... how did the quotes swap like that?]
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Completely agree with you! The mentality of the Jade fans is apalling. Complaining that Ed is boring when i have not seen Jade do anything half as interesting as any of the housemates. If only Australia had the same mentality as u my friend. Hhahhahaahaha
Yet so many people rate her highly in the daily housemate ranking thread. I don't get it. MIND YOU the ones that rate her highly rate Ed very low, which does make some sense. I rank them both at the bottom of my list!
Completely agree with you! The mentality of the Jade fans is apalling. Complaining that Ed is boring when i have not seen Jade do anything half as interesting as any of the housemates. If only Australia had the same mentality as u my friend. Hhahhahaahaha
So Heidi is running her mouth on Twitter about how Maddie is perfect for Ed and he must be totally into her (and conversely that Jade should be evicted). Did I miss something? I didn't see that Ed was particularly into Maddie? All I saw was a pathetic edit by BB and childish games by Tim and Tahan to make it seem like Ed might be interested in Maddie but he really wasn't.

This is from Ed's family

I watched the snippets of the new intruders and to be honest the new girl Madaline does sound a lot like the type of girl Ed would be seriously interested in...

Drew is being a bit of a bitch. I think he's probably always been like that, I mean he was always saying to Tully that she kept him in check and stopped him from being 'bad', cause he didn't want to disappoint her. Haha. Maybe he was lucky that he got caught under Tully's thumb, hid his true colours for a few weeks.

Probably not financialy viable at this stage.

Yeah I guess, tho' product placement and viewer subscriptions could help.[/QUOTE]

how much would a subscription be and how big would the product placement have to be? Plus would you get any decent housemate with a non garanteed national audience. I love the idea and we could vote on tasks and challenges.
So Heidi is running her mouth on Twitter about how Maddie is perfect for Ed and he must be totally into her (and conversely that Jade should be evicted). Did I miss something? I didn't see that Ed was particularly into Maddie? All I saw was a pathetic edit by BB and childish games by Tim and Tahan to make it seem like Ed might be interested in Maddie but he really wasn't.

Heidi is such a disgusting bitch. Still bitter and jealous that Jade is prettier than her! :)
I feel mentally and emotionally bullied by Tims behaviour. Am i the only one who thinks this. Tonight has proven how much this years housemates are gameplaying and strategising. At least last year the bitchiness was a result of the housemates genuine dislike for one another eg. The ben and layla affair. This year its all about 'who can i push out of the game to make me win'. Im sick of it!
Jade is so annnnnooooyyyying! Yea she is beautiful but man that girl is not only pathetic just plain boring. Get her out... I want the Girl Pack GONE!