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Episode Day 65 (11/11/14) Eviction

i reckon because a coupe hm are sooooo far out in front and they dont want their fans to stop voting.

Yeah, that was my theory about last week's percentages. That Lawson had an incredibly low percentage and they didn't want to show him so they couldn't humiliate him.

Then they didn't show the percentages the next day to cover up the fact that they evicted Aisha first even though Cat was lower just so they could devote the extra long final interview to Clawson.

I imagine Tom got an EMBARRASSINGLY low percentage. Skye and Ryan would have pretty much taken most of this week's votes.
Hasn't Skye had the winner edit from the minute Gemma said she was as deep as a paddling pool? I just don't see anyone else winning from the story the editors have been telling. I feel the network wants her to win for a bunch of reasons, but mainly trying to develop and keep new, young fans.
No one else will deliver that demographic for them.
It's like the white guy with a guitar on American idol.

Maybe I'm missing something you guys in Australia are seeing?
FYI, @MADONNA and I still want to hear your voice, bae.

Vote for Penny:)

Forgot she was never eliminated, she was injured poor thing, and was on a winning streak her partner did win

I just rewatched the last post/moment of silence footage again TWICE and I could see no trace of Skye's alleged heartless and wicked smiling. Unless there was a facial twitch when the dogs arced up over the trumpet sounds.

I understand people have got to spit that hatred out for the good of their inner organs, but that's just ridiculous.
Hasn't Skye had the winner edit from the minute Gemma said she was as deep as a paddling pool? I just don't see anyone else winning from the story the editors have been telling. I feel the network wants her to win for a bunch of reasons, but mainly trying to develop and keep new, young fans.
No one else will deliver that demographic for them.
It's like the white guy with a guitar on American idol.

Maybe I'm missing something you guys in Australia are seeing?
no, i think its just due to the fact that skyes cheerful, bubbly, personality shines. forget sunbeams, shes a fucking supernova of warmth and joy with a hint of brattiness. she is utterly intoxicating.
What is Travis' job in real life?
I'm not 100% sure what he does but I've read he works for an alcohol company, something to do with managing orders etc. Could just be him taking & filling orders for bottle shops etc. I'm not too sure. I wouldn't imagine it'd be a very intellectually challenging job.