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Episode Day 51 (28/10/14) Single eviction + HMs swap with next door

Richard will win - all those little kiddies that vote will vote up a storm for an Aussie Harry Potter.
There's often mention of kiddies voting, neither of my teens watch BB and neither do any of their friends. Nor the teens of my friends. I really don't think there's much of a teen demographic.
What is this OVI commercial? Talk about... poor everything. Did they get the BB producers to make that ad?
Call me blonde but who is Richard supposed to look like because I can't see a resemblance to ANY FAMOUS PERSON??????

p.s - So happy Leo and Davy were saved!
He looks like my neighbours 15 year old kid... who is famous, he won a local community maths comp at school & got his photo in the paper wooo fkn hooo :)