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Episode Day 32 (9/10/2014) Daily Show

That is just bullshit. Your cynical friend in the UK doesn't sound wise at all. The HMs are real people with real feelings, and bullying doesn't stop being bullying just because it happens in the BB house.
not liking someone or being rude to someone, even bitching about someone is not bullying. It gets thrown around so easily and I'm not sure of any bullying going on in this house.
I think he was upset in the moment because he was thinking about her, but in general I don't think he's that upset about her because otherwise he would have asked Big Brother days ago whether she'd broken up with him or not. He wasn't only crying about his gf, he was crying about having embarrassed himself and others, and about his mum's death.
You've raised a point... Why didn't he go to big brother days ago in regards to his gf... Which leads me to believe he didn't think the situation was as bad as it appeared and thought perhaps he could talk to her about it after the show ended... looking at the footage he has realized how bad it has come across and knows what his gf saw would look unforgiveable? So that's why he is now enquiring about it?

The cynical side of me believes he may have wanted to know whether his gf broke up with him so he can start kissing all the other girls... but that's my non trusting side, lucky I'm a little more optimistic
You've raised a point... Why didn't he go to big brother days ago in regards to his gf... Which leads me to believe he didn't think the situation was as bad as it appeared and thought perhaps he could talk to her about it after the show ended... looking at the footage he has realized how bad it has come across and knows what his gf saw would look unforgiveable? So that's why he is now enquiring about it?

The cynical side of me believes he may have wanted to know whether his gf broke up with him so he can start kissing all the other girls... but that's my non trusting side, lucky I'm a little more optimistic

When he talked with Ryan the day after he went to the Sanctuary with Cat he mentioned that he thought he had done a couple of things in the house with Cat that meant that his relationship with his girlfriend was over.
When he talked with Ryan the day after he went to the Sanctuary with Cat he mentioned that he thought he had done a couple of things in the house with Cat that meant that his relationship with his girlfriend was over.
Well I'm back to being cynical I guess
I think when a parent dies it is something that is truly with you forever and I doubt anyone would use It to get ahead, it Is just something that would slap you in the face at times, especially difficult times.
One million times this. The FIRST thing I think when I am going through rough times is "I wish I could just talk to my Mom." Or, "I know what Dad would say, but I'd just like to hear him say it."

Anyone who watched that footage last night and thought he was "playing that card" would be dead wrong.
I was 29 (2.5 years ago) and in feb 2011 my mum was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. A month later I found out I was pregnant with my son. When I was preg with my daughter my mum done everything with me, shop for baby stuff, came to appointments and was there for the birth. But this time she had radiation and couldn't do anything, eventually she was in a nursing home and was unable to be at the birth of my son. She passed away when he was 3 months old.
One of the hardest things is after the funeral everyone (friends and some family) just live their normal lives and they "get over " it. It's so hard mothering without a mother. And it reals my heart that my kids miss out on having a nanna .
When you lose someone so close it never gets easier and you never forget to just need to learn to cope and sometimes you don't.
Apart from my kids my mum and my husband are the most important people to me. Mum is not here anymore and my husband is overseas. So I'm struggling .

Sorry this is way off topic people

Sorry to hear of your loss, Frankyfurt. Hang in there, treasure the time you have with your children, the grow up too quickly. Not sure what ages your children are, but can you arrange play dates with their friends, when you can relax over a coffee, with their mums? I dont give a fig if its off topic, keep posting please.
I re watched the bath scene and the Lawson dairy room scene. Yesterday I did feel bad, and I still do that little bit, but I noticed that Lawson said that he had embarrassed his partner, not that he was sorry and what he did was wrong. I don't know why that bothers me, but it does. It's like you are upset that you have shown everyone what you are like but not that you have truly understood the hurt you have caused another person... this probably doesn't even make sense but I'm still trying to understand why today it bothers me

The dairy room, is that where they still do the milking :).
Tim (BB13) modeled a lot of his own cheating behaviour, including playing the dead grandma card, on Johnny Fairplay, whom I am pretty sure Tim had studied closely. One of my great gripes is that most people here want to forgive or overlook Tim's cheating (and bullying) ways because he was "entertaining."

Huh? When did Tim use the "dead grandma" card? I can't remember that. I might have missed it. :cautious:
The dairy room, is that where they still do the milking :).
sometimes, yes! But I still believed Lawsons sincerity in regards to his mother. People do shitty things, and he did a shitty thing... you start to think of those people who love/d and care/d for you in your life and how they might view you. It's a powerful thing what someone will think of you
Huh? When did Tim use the "dead grandma" card? I can't remember that. I might have missed it. :cautious:
It was fairly early on, maybe around the 3rd week. It stuck in my mind because it was exactly the same thing Johnny Fairplay did. Sorry I can't be more specific. Perhaps there are others here who remember this ploy.
Regarding the failing of the task - did anyone think BB was deliberately trying to stir up bad feelings between the groups and encourage more division by saying that they failed purely because of the hotel guests?
As far as I can tell, the staff also messed up by talking with the guests and not keeping to the smiling/happy etc (except Jason and Priya).
Also - the motto of the whole tasks was 'the hotel where the guests don't have to lift a finger' and yet the guests were slammed for not getting up and getting their own drinks. It was the whole point of the task in my eyes but the staff were just too busy taking it personally.

I dont know how, by any stretch of their imaginations, that they could think they passed the task. It was kind of one of those tasks where they were set up to fail. They havent been on staples yet this series, the first weeks shakes were probably better than staples will be. I wonder how many times tuna and lentils are mentioned. The way things are going, with tasks only lasting a couple of days, they will probably get proper food again in a couple of days time. Not as we will see any of it. 30 minutes between now and Tuesday night, is pathetic. Why couldnt they have put the Sunday show on GO? Because they know it doesnt rate.
I dont know how, by any stretch of their imaginations, that they could think they passed the task. It was kind of one of those tasks where they were set up to fail. They havent been on staples yet this series, the first weeks shakes were probably better than staples will be. I wonder how many times tuna and lentils are mentioned. The way things are going, with tasks only lasting a couple of days, they will probably get proper food again in a couple of days time. Not as we will see any of it. 30 minutes between now and Tuesday night, is pathetic. Why couldnt they have put the Sunday show on GO? Because they know it doesnt rate.

I know, we need as much as we can get!
BB is on Monday night though, 8.30.
sometimes, yes! But I still believed Lawsons sincerity in regards to his mother. People do shitty things, and he did a shitty thing... you start to think of those people who love/d and care/d for you in your life and how they might view you. It's a powerful thing what someone will think of you

I was joking, the original poster wrote dairy room instead of diary room. That was my reference to milking. We've all made typos.
Anyone who watched that footage last night and thought he was "playing that card" would be dead wrong.

I think he was using it in a way to try & get sympathy.

And I think it will work, I think Sam or Sandra are going next week.

If Lawson really cared about his family/GF's feelings etc he would walk, but he won't.
I think he was using it in a way to try & get sympathy.

And I think it will work, I think Sam or Sandra are going next week.

If Lawson really cared about his family/GF's feelings etc he would walk, but he won't.

I think it was a genuine emotional outpouring and not one to garner sympathy. When he and Aisha won the $30,000.00 and he let Aisha have the $20,000.00 I think he said she needed the money, more than he did. So I dont think he needs to resort to diary room crying, to try and win BB. With only one being evicted this week, I think he will survive. Not sure if anyones posted an eviction betting market for this week. They have, its a toss up between Sandra and Sam.
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not liking someone or being rude to someone, even bitching about someone is not bullying. It gets thrown around so easily and I'm not sure of any bullying going on in this house.
Sorry for not making myself clear. I was thinking of 2012 and 2013.
One million times this. The FIRST thing I think when I am going through rough times is "I wish I could just talk to my Mom." Or, "I know what Dad would say, but I'd just like to hear him say it."
Anyone who watched that footage last night and thought he was "playing that card" would be dead wrong.
Yep. I was so sick this year for 3 weeks , I couldn't breathe properly. Had the flu and bronchitis and also had to look after two sick kids. All I wanted was my mum :(