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Episode Day 31 (Wed 28/08/13): Daily Show + Confidential

I think you just like showmances. Layla last year finished high just based on the airtime she got through tedious relationship talk, and Jade obviously sees that. I guess it appeals to teens.

I'm not a teen and couldn't care about "showmances". If I'm going to sit down and watch reality TV every day I don't want a know it all sensible teacher I want idiots and funny people
Thank you.
People would benefit from actually trying to understand the situation and not just viewing it.
I can understand it. But it makes me cringe and feel extremely uncomfortable to watch her actions.
She is negatively affecting my time watching BB.
I think you just like showmances. Layla last year finished high just based on the airtime she got through tedious relationship talk, and Jade obviously sees that. I guess it appeals to teens.

Layla also pashed and liked more than one guy....funny that....Cept everyone loved Layla.
I'd call this more than mean and unkind... ummm racist perhaps

How you got RACIST from THAT is beyond belief.
If this was BBUSA with a lone Australian female in it with an annoying voice and 'boss' attitude, she'd be so out
place I'd be saying the exact same thing about her.
Yeah hate on Mikkayla cos she's boring not because of race

Those anti-Mikkayla fools are the boring ones. Mikkayla was a class act in this episode and she keeps getting stronger and more liked with every episode and your pitiful comments can't stop that.
Nah I actually believe her on that one. She's over compensating because she thinks she's shit in every other area of her life. We think they're totally up themselves because of how they look and how they prance around but if they were actually confident then they wouldn't feel the need to do it. I see this all the time in the industry I work in.

Well said. I think her self-worth seems to be dependant on someone (Ed) being attracted to her, i.e. knowing someone is attracted to her validates that she is a valuable person.
How you got RACIST from THAT is beyond belief.
If this was BBUSA with a lone Australian female in it with an annoying voice and 'boss' attitude, she'd be so out
place I'd be saying the exact same thing about her.

I have no issue with what you said but why not refer to her by name or behaviour if you can't recall her name. e.g. that bossy boots with the annoying laugh and voice should be out.
Those anti-Mikkayla fools are the boring ones. Mikkayla was a class act in this episode and she keeps getting stronger and more liked with every episode and your pitiful comments can't stop that.
Shes definitely gaining a lot of support this week if the Facebook page is anything to go by. Plus with her save results last week I think she'll still be fine this week if she doesn't escape tomorrow. Fingers crossed at least! Jade seems to be picking up strong support over at FB too.
Jade is the only thing making ed interesting ATM because of this hold and cold relationship between the two. If Jade goes then nobody will notice Ed any longer and he'll be gone.
Mikkayla is being clever in attaching herself to Ben and the Bitter Sisters who she sees as probably being popular on the outside. She realises their image is probably gimmicky enough to get them support even though they are one dimensional and so seem very guarded and fake.
Caspersmum, your nomination is accepted.
Oh don't get me wrong. She's a top girl. She's one of my best friends in the house. One of my best friends in the whole wide world!! In fact if Jade was a colour, she would be a RAINBOW because she is so beautiful and refracts the light of Tully's tears!

But she is shitting me blue and has to go.
Oh don't get me wrong. She's a top girl. She's one of my best friends in the house. One of my best friends in the whole wide world!! In fact if Jade was a colour, she would be a RAINBOW because she is so beautiful and refracts the light of Tully's tears!

But she is shitting me blue and has to go.
But don't you see, eliminating ed will solve all problems!!