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Episode Day 30 (7/10/2014) Live Eviction #5

See, another problem with this season for me is that we're already up to Eviction #5, pretty much a third of the way through, and yet I still feel like I'm waiting for the season to actually "start". It's already Day 30 but it still feels like it's only just begun. In reality, we're already getting so close to the halfway mark.

It's really not a good sign.

We have Clawson, which is all we really need.
I hate that Mandra and Agro are getting forgotten in the "he has a GF" stakes.
They're both full of opinions on Clawson but they're guilty of over stepping the mark in my opinion
All I've seen of the block is generally the last 5-10 minutes of the show and I swear I've seen the clip of that guy chipping concrete away from that one brick wall at least 6 times.

totally just spazzed it up trying to change channels... ended up putting the dvd channel on in stead of chan 9 and my boyfriend laughed at me :confused:
Tried to go to the live stream blog and it popped up saying phishing attack, so I guess I just have to wait til it's on TV here.