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Episode Day 2 (9/9/14) Live Show: The Storm Has Arrived

Liking the show so far, big improvement.. still frustrated because i don't know the house properly and where everything is
During the ads I read 1 page of this thread and then six more appear :bawling:
Quick question... are we such big fans that we're all going to live on meal replacement shakes for a week while it's going on in the house?

I vote "NO"... but I'm only one person
I'm on 2 a day's not a big deal in the outside world though...
Exactly. At least they didnt just pretent they weren't talking about her
Good job skye for doing the thing that most housemates refuse to do

Normally, someone would ark up about that kind of thing but skye didn't. I'm surprised. That was a very awkward scene lol
i found you guys again yayyyy!!! so far i like BB at least there isnt this family friendly crap like other years