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Episode Day 17 (24/09/2014) Daily Show and Nominations #2

I don't think the HMs will be voting again (I think it was just a once off given they were in pairs). They copped so much backlash (and rightly so!) after last night I doubt they'll do it again. I want to think Priya will be safe as houses but after Skye and Lisa were the most saved last week, followed by a pairing containing bloody Travis, I'm really not confident.
Yeah I don't really think the HMs will be evicting either but my luck now that I'm going to break my vow not to vote with no live feeds, the universe will punish me somehow. At least she's 4th trending on the Radar right now and the FB mentions of saving her are picking up.
Yeah I don't really think the HMs will be evicting either but my luck now that I'm going to break my vow not to vote with no live feeds, the universe will punish me somehow. At least she's 4th trending on the Radar right now and the FB mentions of saving her are picking up.

Mrs B - I am equally conflicted but staying true to my no vote rule.
Again my eyes play tricks it was more likely Sandra , but during the tearful scene and the Jason group hug over the (Placement for soft drink advertisement here) was it Gemma I saw in the back ground. With the bad editing it can be possible for anything It was more likely Sandra and she didn't get involved in the hug.

I want Priya and Cat to be saved please to get the votes in Why is Lisa so protected I thought she would have been up for her rants and pot calling kettle black on the crying We have seen old saggy get teary quicker than Tully
Dion was a surprise to get so many votes he is in danger due to not being remembered to much I want Travis out I will vote to save Cat and Priya I loaded my phone with money I am ready to send for a flurry of my hard earned
Omfg best nominations ever! Loved the wings turning red. I cant believe Cat is up there and Dion- he really is a boring HM. Evict Katie - she thinks shes the bees knees. Travish - I hope he leaves too. SAVE Priya yes!

Lawsons power was Gold!
Mrs B - I am equally conflicted but staying true to my no vote rule.
Gahhh, you're a much vow taker than I am. I REALLY don't want to give them a penny but then I keep thinking back to that eviction last year where Caleb was only evicted over Ed by 0.1% and I'd be gutted if Priya went out like that and I didn't vote. I feel awful giving $ to a network that gives two shits about having me as a BB viewer though.
Omfg best nominations ever! Loved the wings turning red. I cant believe Cat is up there and Dion- he really is a boring HM. Evict Katie - she thinks shes the bees knees. Travish - I hope he leaves too. SAVE Priya yes!
If you choose not to vote, don't be unhappy that things don't pan out the way you like! Know that voters can make the difference! Why sit back when you can stand up and act?! #VotePriya #PraisePrisus