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With armpits smelling like hamburgers, Tobias replies, 'shutup you gilled twat, moi Mil Mil has found half eaten Edna Johnson from next door under moi two turntables and a microphone!'
Tobias glances over at Mildred in order to get reassurance and confirmation of what was happening, only to be suddenly shocked and surprised by the new configuration of her pubic hair.
A light globe flashed in Tobias' head as there has been reports of a burning bush down by the Beach, perhaps that's where the Treasure was?
Tobias then went to Bunnings to see if he could find some tools to bring with him and to stop by the Sausage Sizzle as he was hungry.
Tobias said to the little league soccer dad behind the counter; "One without onions and a coke thanks"
Sadly the man behind the counter misheard Tobias and gave him extra onions instead of none, this put Tobias is a murderous rage.
Tobias grabbed the BBQ sauce and squirted it in the man behind the counters eyes and screamed "NEXT TIME NO ONIONS".