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Celebrity 'Big Brother' UK - Summer 2014

On Gary's website, he's got a ton of these "Buseyisms" that we're hearing say from time to time. Nauseatingly twee things with rainbows and daisies and inspirational messages that you can buy signed prints of for $40...

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...some new Gary Busey quotes for the day... on being asked if he would like to taste some of the Duchess's 'black pudding' in which he was told that it was dried blood in pig intestines he asked...

..."what will it do to my genitalia?"... he was then told that it was like 'Viagra' in which he responded...

..."what is 'Viagra'?... that is a town in Brazil isn't it?"... he then goes to eat the black pudding and responds...

..."it's black pudding yeah?... I'm breaking my virginity... **he eats some**... the taste is unidentifiable!"...

...Gary wearing one of Kellie's wigs... funny as!!!!... such fun to watch!... I'm liking Leslie... such a nice little man!...

..."do you know what the definition of Death means?... I'll give you the definition of D.E.A.T.H... don't expect a tragedy here"...

...Gary talking about how he died on two occasions and revealing his inner thoughts was a really touching moment to me... I think that he has a lot of demons to burn within himself for sure... he seems to be in a process of deep healing within himself to me...

...the revelations from Leslie about his use of Crystal Meth and his Alcoholism while talking to Kellie was a jaw dropper!... dubbing Frenchy as a 'Viscountess of Solihull'... was pretty silly but pfffft!... I guess that it took up viewing time I suppose... it was good to see that Dee won the task though lol!...

...Kellie talks about his children and even his ex-wife in such glowing terms... what a nice personality coming out within her...

...the exchange between Gary and James with James saying what he did to Gary Busey was James taking a joke the wrong way... Gary asking James to 'stand up' scared the shit out of him because he refused to... I believe that if he did stand up that Gary was just going to give him a reassuring 'it was only a joke' hug to be honest!...but still... even though James was trying to be the alpha male over Gary... he wouldn't stand up!... (gutless wonder comes to my mind but hey... I won't go there)...

...Gary explaining that he was joining in on the joke to James shows that the whole thing was just that... him joining in on the fun... James finally 'got it'... all was good again...

...Dee's chat in the Diary Room was equal to some of Chris's epic chats in the previous series... I'm really going to love her chats in there... her admiration for Kellie is phenomenal...

...James's talking to the others in the kitchen about his exchange between him and Gary... (trying to regain his balls again perhaps?)... was good to see that he was okay with the end result between them and that he was in a sense diffusing some other people's concerns about Gary's odd-ball behaviour... at least he isn't carrying a grudge against Gary... (I will be honest though... I don't particularly like James too much... he's so full of himself... I find that kind of behaviour to be so boring)...

...Gary out in the garden and sitting on his own reflecting on the day's events was awe inspiring... he is so loving his time in the house... I love this guy!...

...those housemates playing 'rock paper scissors' with the loser having to sleep in bed with Gary Busey is pretty sad... it looks like they are beginning to 'pick on' Gary to rile his gentle nature up... leave Gary alone you wankers!... he's 70 something and doesn't need young idiots using him as a 'target'... it looks like a little trend starting to set in to deprive Gary of sleep to get him stirred up... that's two nights in a row that they have deliberately awoken him... they've only been in there for two nights for gods sake!... leave Gary alone you idiots!... onto BOTS!... looks like BBUK are already changing the rules as they go as they did in the previous series... after Stephanie mentioned that everyone feels like voting Gary out first they have already announced that they're going to waver evicting a celebrity this Friday!... (they obviously want to keep Gary in after spending so much money in securing him in the first place...they have to get their pounds of flesh out of him don't they?)... looks like the panelists on BOTS seem to think that James is a 'twat' and that he was being a total 'dick' about the whole thing... they all said what I was thinking... I really liked the panelists that were on tonight... they had a lot of good points to say as a matter of fact...

...Kellie's unfolding story of his/her journey is becoming more fascinating every time she is on the screen... what an inspirational person Kellie is!...

...Dr dance... (Peter Lovette)... the dancing Psychologist is such a hoot on BOTS!... he is one of my favourite sections too Emma... the man is hilarious!... Emma doing the 'Haka' was quite good!... she really got into the dance side of this segment which was such fun to see... (she's slowly regrowing on me after this)...

...Gary Busey and that blond bimbo doing the 'toothpaste Ad'... Gary was brilliant in the task!... funny as!... (yes... Gary is my hero in the house alongside Kellie... Dee and Leslie... all these people are totally entertaining to me)...

...I really do want to see either Gary/Dee/Leslie or Kellie win it... although I'm really starting to like little George too now... cheers.:)
She is creepy looking,my hubbies face when he saw her was hilarious.Question what happens to all that plastic when she dies..plastic is bad for the environment
I know right. I thought plastic surgery was meant to make you look better not worse.

Was shocked to see she's only 38.
...I liked this one Timelord... (yay!... Dr Who is back this Sunday!...)...


...but that is just the childishness coming out of me to be honest... it was good to see that the proceeds from selling autographed copies from Gary goes to a children's charity to do with 'Kawasaki's disease'...further proof of Gary's good heart within to me...( have I mentioned that I like Gary before by the way?... lol!)... cheers.
She is creepy looking,my hubbies face when he saw her was hilarious.Question what happens to all that plastic when she dies..plastic is bad for the environment

I know right. I thought plastic surgery was meant to make you look better not worse.

Was shocked to see she's only 38.

...the plastic is probably recycled to make toilet seats or something?... (I know... not nice but what the hell?)... sorry... couldn't help myself!... cheers.
...I'm not really sure in how Gary Busey has the time to be in the Big Brother house... this is his workload for this year... from this website...

Candiland (post-production)
2015 Entourage (post-production)
Gary (rumored)
2014 Bikini Model Academy (post-production)
Uncle Seymore (rumored)
2014 DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse (post-production)
Mr. Morris
2014 Mansion of Blood (completed)
2014 Behaving Badly
Chief Howard D. Lansing
2014 American Dad! (TV Series)
Gary Busey
- She Swill Survive (2014) ... Gary Busey (voice)
2014 Confessions of a Womanizer
Gary's not like he needs to be in the house to get more publicity or money or something is it?... I think that he's in there just for the challenge and fun side of it ... he may be in there for a forced holiday!... if there is any money involved it may even go towards his charity as I mentioned above... who knows?... (have I mentioned that I like him?... lol!)... cheers.

...I'm not really sure in how Gary Busey has the time to be in the Big Brother house... this is his workload for this year... from this website...

Candiland (post-production)
2015 Entourage (post-production)
Gary (rumored)
2014 Bikini Model Academy (post-production)
Uncle Seymore (rumored)
2014 DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse (post-production)
Mr. Morris
2014 Mansion of Blood (completed)
2014 Behaving Badly
Chief Howard D. Lansing
2014 American Dad! (TV Series)
Gary Busey
- She Swill Survive (2014) ... Gary Busey (voice)
2014 Confessions of a Womanizer
Gary's not like he needs to be in the house to get more publicity or money or something is it?... I think that he's in there just for the challenge and fun side of it ... he may be in there for a forced holiday!... if there is any money involved it may even go towards his charity as I mentioned above... who knows?... (have I mentioned that I like him?... lol!)... cheers.

Wow busy man.Mansion of Blood looks like a hubby movie
I don't think James refused to stand up because he's gutless, he didn't want to be known as the bloke who faced up to a grandpa. If I were in that position and a 70yo said to me "stand up" with that stance I wouldn't stand up.
LOL the dance guy on BBOTS re Frenchy "I'm guessing when she was younger she was probably beautiful"
I don't think James refused to stand up because he's gutless, he didn't want to be known as the bloke who faced up to a grandpa. If I were in that position and a 70yo said to me "stand up" with that stance I wouldn't stand up.

...hahaha!... upon reflection... perhaps you're right Cowie... but I do really believe that Gary was just going to give him a hug and just say something like 'settle down man... I was joking around with you!'... I don't think that Gary is capable of violence because of all the love that he preaches on his website... although I think that after that happened that James reassessed the situation and realised that he didn't get the fact that Gary was joking around with him...

...I guess cultural shit stirring of each other varies between the USA and the UK and that there are bound to be different ways of taking the same words in different ways... but to James's credit... he didn't keep slagging off about Gary while he was discussing the exchange of words with other housemates in the kitchen... if anything... as he said... it probably bonded them closer together more after they had sorted it out between them... (James still does give me the irrits to be honest)...

...the reason that James gives me the irrits is because in the Diary Room earlier in the day he told BBUK that someone will clash with Gary because Gary is too outspoken... it was almost as if he was pre-warning BBUK that it may be him... I think that James was using it as a moment to gain the role as 'alpha male' within the house if he made Gary to submit to him... Gary didn't... James backed down... his attempt at being top dog in the house failed as far as I'm concerned... mind you... that is just my take on the situation...

...anyhow... interesting times ahead methinks regardless I guess!... lol!... hmmmmm!... I can't quite recall... (have I mentioned that Gary Busey is my fave in the house?;):whistling:... lol!)... cheers.:)
...hahaha!... upon reflection... perhaps you're right Cowie... but I do really believe that Gary was just going to give him a hug and just say something like 'settle down man... I was joking around with you!'... I don't think that Gary is capable of violence because of all the love that he preaches on his website... although I think that after that happened that James reassessed the situation and realised that he didn't get the fact that Gary was joking around with him...

...I guess cultural shit stirring of each other varies between the USA and the UK and that there are bound to be different ways of taking the same words in different ways... but to James's credit... he didn't keep slagging off about Gary while he was discussing the exchange of words with other housemates in the kitchen... if anything... as he said... it probably bonded them closer together more after they had sorted it out between them... (James still does give me the irrits to be honest)...

...the reason that James gives me the irrits is because in the Diary Room earlier in the day he told BBUK that someone will clash with Gary because Gary is too outspoken... it was almost as if he was pre-warning BBUK that it may be him... I think that James was using it as a moment to gain the role as 'alpha male' within the house if he made Gary to submit to him... Gary didn't... James backed down... his attempt at being top dog in the house failed as far as I'm concerned... mind you... that is just my take on the situation...

...anyhow... interesting times ahead methinks regardless I guess!... lol!... hmmmmm!... I can't quite recall... (have I mentioned that Gary Busey is my fave in the house?;):whistling:... lol!)... cheers.:)

I feel that he is envious as are they all..the only real celebs in there are Gary and Leslie....envy at what Gary has achieved in his life.JAMES was disrespectful in his behaviour to Gary..snapping his fingers and telling him to look at him..what a ass his is
So far I'm liking Leslie, Dee, Gary, Kellie, Audley and George. I don't like any of the other guys, they're all just meatheads. And for the girls they seem ok except for Lauren who seems a bit of a floozie, but i need to see more.

Celebrity Big Brother's self-portrait gallery
about 4 hours ago
Our latest bunch of housemates are all hugley talented in their own field but how gifted are they artisically.

We furnished them with a pack of colouring pencils and instructed the 14 to express themselves through the medium of the self-portrait. Have a peruse at what our budding Picasso's produced.



Champion boxer Audley has drawn himself looking startled. And naked. Could he possibly be feeling vulnerable?



If this was a competition, we might have found our winner with Claire. Not bad, girl.



A typically modest effort from David. As far as we know he has never slain a dragon while wearing tiny pants and with traffic cone on his hand. Perhaps he is depicting a student prank. If not, he gets points for imagination.



Someone might want to warn Dee's portrait that a huge bale of hay is about to land on her head.


Edele has drawn herself in the future. This is not what she was asked to do. Is she going to continue to be this defiant in the House?



There's no mistaking that pout. To save time Frenchy has drawn her eyebrows and eyelashes as one. Very efficient.



A slightly terrifiying Gary. You would be forgiven for thinking he was pushed for time with this composition. In fact he had hours.



George has confused self-portrait with stick man. Easy mistake to make. Unless he thinks his neck really is that long. No wonder he needs a beer. If that's what the object he's drawn in place of a left hand is meant to be. To be honest, he's giving very little away with this scribble.



What's James' portrait spotted on the floor? Whatever it is, he's pretty happy about it.



We have no idea why Kellie has drawn herself sleeping. Lovely use of the full colour palatte though.



The only way is art school for Lauren. She definitely shows potential and unlike the majority of the celebrities has included all the major components that make up a face.



Something tells us Leslie may have drawn this picture once or twice before. Just a hunch.



Yee Nahs It. We sure do. What we don't know is why Ricci has given himself Celebrity Big Brother 2011 housemate Darren Lyon's chest. And hair. He is however the only one to sign his artwork. Like a pro.


You're right about that Stephanie - maybe stick to the day job. LOL.
...I'm not really sure in how Gary Busey has the time to be in the Big Brother house... this is his workload for this year... from this website...

Candiland (post-production)
2015 Entourage (post-production)
Gary (rumored)
2014 Bikini Model Academy (post-production)
Uncle Seymore (rumored)
2014 DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse (post-production)
Mr. Morris
2014 Mansion of Blood (completed)
2014 Behaving Badly
Chief Howard D. Lansing
2014 American Dad! (TV Series)
Gary Busey
- She Swill Survive (2014) ... Gary Busey (voice)
2014 Confessions of a Womanizer
Gary's not like he needs to be in the house to get more publicity or money or something is it?... I think that he's in there just for the challenge and fun side of it ... he may be in there for a forced holiday!... if there is any money involved it may even go towards his charity as I mentioned above... who knows?... (have I mentioned that I like him?... lol!)... cheers.

Respite for his carers, I don't think he knows where he is 99.6% of the time