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Bring back vote to evict!

I remember a few years ago they had vote to save AND vote to evict, merging together by subtracting the save votes from the evict votes. Even though it was a bit confusing, I think this is the fairest way. If there was a housemate that was both loved and hated, it would really be a question of are they hated enough to be evicted or loved enough to be saved.
I would be evicting Ben like crazy...

He has replaced Tully as the emotional-hijacker of situations!
Like what [MENTION=36808]APABLD[/MENTION] said, they can go back to the years when there were both vote to save and vote to evict - and we minus the difference.
If it was vote to evict, people wouldn't be very motivated to spend their money trying to vote out a boring HM. They would be more motivated to vote to evict some they hate with a passion. For that HM to be hated so much, they must have done something interesting and there would be lots of other people who love them. So once those polarising HMs are gone, you're left with the boring HMs who no one cares about enough to waste their money on evicting them.
Is it because you're a Jade fan, and because she's a little boring she's not likely to attract too many eviction votes, compared with Tim for example?

Can I just ask, did you crop your avatar specifically to not show the mole?

Oh dear, well for your sake I hope you are joking.

I remember a few years ago they had vote to save AND vote to evict, merging together by subtracting the save votes from the evict votes. Even though it was a bit confusing, I think this is the fairest way. If there was a housemate that was both loved and hated, it would really be a question of are they hated enough to be evicted or loved enough to be saved.

This is what I meant. Was it around this time last year that the voting switched from save to evict. I'm not against voting to save, but at this late in the comp they should bring out the other one too
This is what I meant. Was it around this time last year that the voting switched from save to evict. I'm not against voting to save, but at this late in the comp they should bring out the other one too

Nope. Last year was all about saving.
I definitely do not agree. Last year with a vote to evict Estelle and Ben would have been the first 2 gone. This year, Tim and Tully would have been the first 2 out. Last year people like Charne would have lasted much longer and Ryan, George and Zoe would have been top 3. This year Caleb, Matt, Ed, Xavier, Jasmin and the Sisters all would have lasted towards the end of the show.
The change to vote to save has been one of the best changes the producers have made. It's worked pretty well this series, with the exception of when they cut the number of nominees too soon and lost Tully in a 3-way vote. Other than that though, it has worked in getting rid of the deadwood (Sharon, Rohan, Xavier, Caleb, Matt) and keeping the interesting housemates (Tim, Tahan, Jade, Tully until week 8). I just hope they keep the 6-up format next year, and only cut the numbers when they really have to.
Love vote to save, like everyone else has said it gets rid of the deadwood that sit back and don't do crap. Imagine a show without Tim, Tully, Mikkayla and Tahan. All you would get is Ed, Caleb and Matt working out in the gym (yawn).

Also with the save, it creates a shock for HM's when someone they think will last long (the boring one's) goes early
They had vote to evict on BBUK this year and it was a snooze fest. Anyone with any personality whatsoever went first and the winner flew under the radar the whole season. I used to think the same way but now I understand.
That´s not true at all. The biggest characters Gina and Dexter stayed till the end and the winner wasn´t nominated until the last few weeks. I prefer a vote to evict because all the houseguests that deeply annoy (not entertain) me are staying in much longer because it´s so hard to evict on a vote to safe.
Tim would have been long gone with vote to evict. Caleb and Matt would still be there, and if we changed it now then Ed would be there until the final. No thanks.
Tim would have been long gone with vote to evict. Caleb and Matt would still be there, and if we changed it now then Ed would be there until the final. No thanks.

Don't think Tim would be gone. I don't find anything offensive about him..maybe it's just me? I think Ed would be gone pretty soon. The whole treating Jade like a whore thing is not something people wouldn't notice.
Why vote to evict will never return:
