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Episode Australian Survivor (2018) - Episode 6 Discussion

Zach always giving the girls shit but his buddy Rob ain't scored a point against Mat.

...I watched that Russell Coight show on Tenplay and thought that some parts in it were brilliant!... I'll be watching all of them from now on... funny as!... cheers.
Matt could win this whole game.

Sorry you had a bad experience with him @Mr Stickyfingers he seems like a hell of a nice guy thus far on survivor

...he probably is adsyj but he wasn't back then towards my Grandkids but meh!... I just don't like him for that reason alone... but that doesn't mean that everyone else on here aren't allowed to like him... he probably is a nice guy... we'll see anyway... wait until Moana wants her idol back... we'll see if he's nice then eh?... lol!... cheers.
We got a very big problem.

I really really feel like having some ice cream. I have none. Deliveroo home delivers.

Is it wrong like really wrong if i order gelato home delivered.

...get a dozen of them and we'll be over in the next Ad break my friend lol!... cheers.