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Episode Australian Survivor (2016) - Episode 7 Discussion

I watched a bit of a challenge from Survivor US' first season, Probst didn't narrate. They just showed the challenge with no commentary at all... just titles popping up saying "tribes even" or "Pagong leading"... was really boring and kind of surreal to watch.
I'll clarify, I hear but don't listen, if that makes sense? In the background to the action, it makes it more exciting, but I don't really pay attention to what they're saying.
I'll clarify, I hear but don't listen, if that makes sense? In the background to the action, it makes it more exciting, but I don't really pay attention to what they're saying.
I know, but I was referring generally to the whole "the challenge narration is annoying" thing a few people have mentioned.
They're probably on a sugar high now.

Oh and Barry was unanimously voted out by Vavau - even by Sue!
Have you watched US Survivor? Food rewards are a BIG thing
Not for awhile. I think I remember doritos and beer handed out. Sponsors gotta get their fill.
Just hilarious in this case the Corporate identity has a huge emblazoned "Hungry" in their company name on "Survivor"
@Mr Stickyfingers Originally the US Survivor had both a rewards challenge plus an immunity challenge in every single ep, but they scaled it back to combine them into one challenge in most eps in later seasons to cut costs (presumably).[DOUBLEPOST=1473070635][/DOUBLEPOST]
...jeez Lee... don't start saying "I'm doing it for the kids blah blah blah"... you will lose everyone that's backing you!... cheers.
He shatters my fantasies with that shit..