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Alex is at the BB Conference

WOW! They should have brought him in! Haha, that would have been hilarious!

I'll be entering next year!
Can anyone enhance what it says on his notepad? I had a quick try, it's beyond me.

(Large image: ).

No can't make out words in the notebook I did zoom right in, but it gets too blurry. BUT the layout of the table is interesting.. It seems the conference is not running on a shoestring. One of the items on each desk seems to be a DVD on "Model for 2015", and notice the small glass phial on next to that DVD, wonder what it's contents are.. My guess is it's to do with a suggested theme next year, something like glitter dust, or could it be "Fairy Dust"? It could be a liquid, but I think a powder or crystal. Or beach sand but looks too dark for that.