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A question about Ed.


Active Member
Seriously now kiddies.....
Let me start by saying not a Ed lover nor a Jade hater...
I keep seeing everywhere that Ed is leading Jade on, but apart from the kisses that either came from dares or when she tried to jump his bones after the fake marriage to Drew thing was over, I don't see him at all doing anything that could be seen as leading her on. Also do people wonder if he is just extra boring because he feels he can't do something, like by friendly with other girls because Jade gets upset? eg. Crying over the whole Jasmin kiss? He seems like a nice guy that's clueless about how to handle this situation.

I know everyone is going to bring up the cuddles but the guy was so drunk I bet he could pee straight let alone make good choices. I agree that the dude should man up and tell her in terms that she understands that he doesn't think of her that way. I also think her so called 'friends' (*cough* Tim and Drew*cough*) should also tell her to stop instead of laughing at her behind her back and give her some truths. I would hate for either Jade or Ed to go home over something as stupid as this. Jade - I think so has a lot to offer and is someone willing to try anything thrown at her, and Ed because it would be interesting to see how he plans to play Tim on that he thinks he is on to Tim's little scheme.

Love to know what others thinks, so troll away :D
Seriously now kiddies.....
Let me start by saying not a Ed lover nor a Jade hater...
I keep seeing everywhere that Ed is leading Jade on, but apart from the kisses that either came from dares or when she tried to jump his bones after the fake marriage to Drew thing was over, I don't see him at all doing anything that could be seen as leading her on. Also do people wonder if he is just extra boring because he feels he can't do something, like by friendly with other girls because Jade gets upset? eg. Crying over the whole Jasmin kiss? He seems like a nice guy that's clueless about how to handle this situation.

I know everyone is going to bring up the cuddles but the guy was so drunk I bet he could pee straight let alone make good choices. I agree that the dude should man up and tell her in terms that she understands that he doesn't think of her that way. I also think her so called 'friends' (*cough* Tim and Drew*cough*) should also tell her to stop instead of laughing at her behind her back and give her some truths. I would hate for either Jade or Ed to go home over something as stupid as this. Jade - I think so has a lot to offer and is someone willing to try anything thrown at her, and Ed because it would be interesting to see how he plans to play Tim on that he thinks he is on to Tim's little scheme.

Love to know what others thinks, so troll away :D

Hi Elspie!

First of all, being Ed related, this question could have been posted in one of the existing Ed threads in the Housemates Forum.

However, as I don't totally want to rain on your parade, being a newbie and all, here's my two cents....

Ed really does need to man up and tell Jade how he feels. His silence is doing more harm than good. Honestly, they're acting like 12 year olds!

I agree that Drew shouldn't be laughing at her behind her back - maybe he feels a little betrayed by her? And Tim - just love the fact that he's not afraid to tell it how it is! He'll tell her to her face eventually - remember he's been told off for sticking his nose into other people's business!!
Hi Elspie!

First of all, being Ed related, this question could have been posted in one of the existing Ed threads in the Housemates Forum.

However, as I don't totally want to rain on your parade, being a newbie and all, here's my two cents....

Ed really does need to man up and tell Jade how he feels. His silence is doing more harm than good. Honestly, they're acting like 12 year olds!

I agree that Drew shouldn't be laughing at her behind her back - maybe he feels a little betrayed by her? And Tim - just love the fact that he's not afraid to tell it how it is! He'll tell her to her face eventually - remember he's been told off for sticking his nose into other people's business!!

^ This, plus, Jade has been told in a round about way to give up in the past but now I just think that because she is not listening, Tim and Mikkayla think "Fine, if she's not listening then she might as well go full hog, just for shits and giggles".

Know what I mean?
Didn't he try and tell her that he's not interested? In the most awkward conversation on reality television.

I mean I don't see how cuddling anyone in that environment is leading them on. Kissing for a date, nope. Jade kisses Tahan as a dear. Jades infatuation with Ed is tough for him because he can't get away from it, and tried to kill it off but didn't know how to articulate it.

Even when he was in bed trying to sleep, she wanted him to stay up and talk etc, he was saying he's sleepy which in other words is telling her to go to her own bed. I don't see how Ed is leading her own when all of the intimacy is just Jade coming across sad and desperate for him to change his mind on her.

She's told him if he initiated anything she won't say no. Looking completely desperate in the process. She's all over him cuddling and kissing him, and at times getting very little back.
^ This, plus, Jade has been told in a round about way to give up in the past but now I just think that because she is not listening, Tim and Mikkayla think "Fine, if she's not listening then she might as well go full hog, just for shits and giggles".

Know what I mean?

Mikkayla's turn to stir the pot! Was surprised when she encouraged Jade to just go for it. Must be for shits and giggles haha!
would refer you to post #291 and post #295 in the live updates thread. also, for a point of reference
his twin brother's take on his shenanigans (blog)
starting at about blog dates Aug 14, 2013.

Notice in the latest blog entry, no mention of the striptease performed by ED. Since they are identical, I guess he showed his brother's arse in public as well.

There are more than two playing the Jad-ED game. Most of the HMs are in on it as well, with ED saying to them all he wants nothing to do with Jade. Then the HMs turn to Jade telling her she needs to pick up her game with ED.

Final analysis, IMO, is that ED needs to quit beating around the bush and say to Jade what's on his mind and in a language she can understand, not his babbling drivel.
Hope that helps.
I think the problem is entirely with Jade. If we swapped their genders, and it was Ed climbing into her bed when she'd made it clear she didn't want to sleep with him, even in the literal sense, people would be fuming.
Jade's a hussy, and Ed's just being a pussy and taking it (albeit without reciprocating) 'cause he thinks it's too hard/would cause too much drama/would make him the bad guy if he really made the point clear.
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Thanks for the welcome @inmeenu!

I was looking to post this in one of the Ed thread but as they seem to be either drooling over his body or calling from names without reason I thought I would try to start afresh! However I will ensure myself to try better next time. I really just wanted this to be a good discussion about the situation, not pulling apart the people themselves, as they are only human and I'm more keen on how people react to the BB house as its a given that the aspects of their personalities are going to be stretched to the max.

Thanks to everyone for their wonderful input :)
The fact of the matter is Jade wouldn't be throwing herself at Ed if he followed through with his 'perceived' disinterest.
He's telling a set of housemates one thing and then doing another with Jade.
When they were dared to kiss, he didn't refuse or look horrified at the thought - Quite the opposite actually.
When they were kissing I didn't see his body and neck pulling away from Jade, the kiss continued after the time allocated and I saw him going for it.

He's attracted to Jade but he wants her for one thing only and realises this is impossible in the house because he'll be perceived badly - For good reason.
For someone that is articulate when he wants to be he was a bumbling fool with Jade and it's because he can't find a polite way of saying 'I want to bang you but I can't sneak away the next morning, soz'.\

He's playing up to this supposed nice guy image when the fact of the matter is he's a complete douchebag.
The fact of the matter is Jade wouldn't be throwing herself at Ed if he followed through with his 'perceived' disinterest.
I'm not sticking up for Ed, but Jade seems to have a very high opinion on herself as well, so she's probably thinking "why doesn't he want me? I'm hot! I just dont get it?"

They are both full of themselves!
I'm not sticking up for Ed, but Jade seems to have a very high opinion on herself as well, so she's probably thinking "why doesn't he want me? I'm hot! I just dont get it?"

They are both full of themselves!
Human nature with either sex - If Ed was to suddenly find Heidi attractive and she rejected his advances even he'd try harder.
I think that being attracted to someone on a sexual level but not wishing to act on it (in a house with 80+ cameras) on you doesn't make you a player or a douche, I think he shows some degree of level headedness(not even sure that a word). Just as I don't think Jade's actions make her a slut as some people like to scream. I see as being so high schoolish were you tell your friends you have a crush and then they run around telling everyone and then everyone wants to get in on the drama as they really have nothing better to do. And then its all over the place and who knows what the truth is. Ed needs to stop trying to use people like Heidi in order to try and get a message to Jade that it is never going to happen, and sit her down and take on himself whatever happens.
I think that being attracted to someone on a sexual level but not wishing to act on it (in a house with 80+ cameras) on you doesn't make you a player or a douche, I think he shows some degree of level headedness(not even sure that a word). Just as I don't think Jade's actions make her a slut as some people like to scream. I see as being so high schoolish were you tell your friends you have a crush and then they run around telling everyone and then everyone wants to get in on the drama as they really have nothing better to do. And then its all over the place and who knows what the truth is. Ed needs to stop trying to use people like Heidi in order to try and get a message to Jade that it is never going to happen, and sit her down and take on himself whatever happens.
You're not getting it - He's confirmed he'd take Jade home with the boys if they were on the outside, that's kinda' telling to me.
He's a douche and he'll hopefully be evicted this Monday.
You're not getting it - He's confirmed he'd take Jade home with the boys if they were on the outside, that's kinda' telling to me.
He's a douche and he'll hopefully be evicted this Monday.

I get it. He was asked a question and he answered truthfully. If he was a player would he be all over a free lunch that is being offered up on a silver platter? But never mind, we shall agree to disagree as this is going to go round in circles and I'm not really in the mood to get dizzy this early on a Thursday. Have a good night :)
I get it. He was asked a question and he answered truthfully. If he was a player would he be all over a free lunch that is being offered up on a silver platter? But never mind, we shall agree to disagree as this is going to go round in circles and I'm not really in the mood to get dizzy this early on a Thursday. Have a good night :)
No cause it's not a 'free lunch' there's the whole of Australia watching.
Come now don't be intimidated!
Well then maybe he is worried he can't 'perform'?

On a side note, would you have felt he was a player if Jade had come in as a normal housemate and not with the whole Drew couple thing? And if he had hooked up with her in the natural flow of the BB house? And then he had acted the way he is, I might be swayed into thinking he was playing her. But for now I see at as some footy player trying to be nice and not think so much with the downstairs area. It is a game after all and you need to be in it to win it! ( very bad choice of words I know).