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A new side to Estelle!



One of the biggest reasons I haven't warmed to Estelle is that I don't really know who Estelle is, what she represents, believes in etc., But with the help of another forum member I found this very interesting website titled: Her username is "bitchin" and if you type her username on the search button on the website a whole new world opens up. Granted this was about 4 years ago, but there are references made by "bitchin" Estelle to "wogs" "faggots" and lets just say that she doesn't mind perving at female models. Not that there's anything wrong with this! Some on this forum will accuse me of stirring the pot but I think sharing information like this is in the public interest. After all, $250,000 is up for grabs. Happy reading!!!
There is nothing new about this, I read it weeks ago. I have not however seen anything of any of the others, so in the public interest where is the history of all the others?
People can be a lot different on the internet I guess and in very different company, and when younger as well. But really I look purely about what happens in the house and what HMs can react to and comment on. Anything else is full of speculation and bias.

And why would you ever think you can know someone fully who you don't know personally? Or by what the media says or by whatever evidence you think you find?
Check out the "Big Brother sets his sights on Estelle" thread in the housemates forum for extra info about this.
People can be a lot different on the internet I guess and in very different company, and when younger as well. But really I look purely about what happens in the house and what HMs can react to and comment on. Anything else is full of speculation and bias.

And why would you ever think you can know someone fully who you don't know personally? Or by what the media says or by whatever evidence you think you find?

Exactly Starry! We can only speculate what the person is like on the Big Brother house on how the other housemates react to the said person. I wouldn't say that the other hms have reacted well to Estelle, would you?
Exactly Starry! We can only speculate what the person is like on the Big Brother house on how the other housemates react to the said person. I wouldn't say that the other hms have reacted well to Estelle, would you?
Angie has just named her to win, saying she is the most genuine. Obviously she has seen things since she got out that she didn't know about before. Michael was behind most of the Estelle hate, and he has come to his senses at last.
Exactly Starry! We can only speculate what the person is like on the Big Brother house on how the other housemates react to the said person. I wouldn't say that the other hms have reacted well to Estelle, would you?

Ryan reacted well, as did Ava. Also Michael who was one of the biggest haters, has now realised that its not hate he has for her but love.
for crying out loud, that's almost half a decade ago when she was a supposed teen drop out.

I judge Stella from her recent past, not some crap the haters use to continually discredit her.

Just look at her character compared to other HMs..
4 years ago I was a huge shithead on the internet and probably used plenty of offensive language. People grow up and move on from certain attitudes and behaviour. I mean, we've been watching this girl 24/7 for the past 3 months and she's been pretty decent the entire time.
There is nothing new about this, I read it weeks ago. I have not however seen anything of any of the others, so in the public interest where is the history of all the others?

You'll find links in this thread:

For instance, Zoe's Bebo and Myspace:

Michael's blog:

Ben's Myspace:

Stacey's Tumblr:
4 years ago I was a huge shithead on the internet and probably used plenty of offensive language. People grow up and move on from certain attitudes and behaviour. I mean, we've been watching this girl 24/7 for the past 3 months and she's been pretty decent the entire time.

LOL, so was I. If you read my post I am quite a nice person :p In my life now I go out of my way helping people. Once I had $20 in my wallet nothing else. I gave it to someone sleeping in the street.

But I have not been always nice on the Net. I wouldn't do it again, maturity taught me that.

Like someone said, I also judge Estelle on those 3 months. I like the girl she is NOW.


Not even close. It's old news here, and it's old news in the real world. It dates back 4 years.

I think even I have changed in that time frame. And yeah she is tech savvy.

On her Christmas wish list she has an Xbox, high speed Internet and Nintendo emulator. I mean she even speaks my language :)

Hope she also gets a good smart phone ;)
for crying out loud, that's almost half a decade ago when she was a supposed teen drop out.

I judge Stella from her recent past, not some crap the haters use to continually discredit her.

Just look at her character compared to other HMs..

I hardly think posts she made in 2010 qualify as a "decade ago".