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Episode 2014 BB Launch Taping Updates/Discussion *SPOILERS*

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Thanks everybody for all the updates, I am so excited about tonight yay its big brother time.

Pass the poppers
Oh by the way, to anyone who went, has the DR been seen yet? Is it the same chair as the press photos or was it a dummy?

How does the house translate on camera?

Also, in terms of launch nights how does this one rank compared to last year which I thought was quite underwhelming tbh
Diary room is the same, the camera angle they used for it looked kinda funny and we didn't get to see any housemates go in it,
The outside area looked really nice on camera, not too sure about the inside
Itd say it was same excitement as last year

Is there any chance David + Sandra could be a couple?
I was just watching the 2 by 2 commercial and the 2 that were holding hands look most like these 2...
David said he's never had a long term relationship and Sandra kept talking about how she never gets any, plus she lives in wagga wagga

Heyyyyy guys!!!! finally i can confirm ryan is from sydney and is the radiographer - that i auditioned with and got to round 3 with.
- the toby mcquire ' lookalike dude - i saw his face on the leaked doco thjng - there u go ryan. sydney radiographer. cheers guys
David is the radiographer

Actually, why isn't the Launch live? There must be some reason since they evict, nominate, finale live (and have FNL'd, sent intruders in, played games with Gretel etc live in the past too).
If they'd aired it tonight, tomorrow the daily show would've been isolated to the few hours of "Day 0", where the HM's are interacting with each other for the very first time (in most cases) - which is actually a key moment of the entire show. Instead, most of those important moments will never see broadcast. :(
Well yeah as I said before sonia stuffed up the opening dance and a line when introducing priya so that all had to be redone.. But I can't see why otherwise

This isnt her is it.....

Dont think so, could be but I dont think so
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One thing I did find interesting is that when the housemates finished on stage after pairing... they traveled from the stage to the house together (Granted they would have been ushered by crew) But it's the first time housemates got to converse with each other, and have conversations on the outside we will never see or hear. I wonder how well the conversations where monitored, And if any where smart enough to use that time wisely.
Also @Tim - Chrissie Swan has screenshot the BBBA home page and posted it on the Mix FM Facebook ;)

About that leak. is it @Miiiiike that took the photo from here and tweeted it?

Ive been to tapings of shows and they specifically say if any leaks affect the show (in terms of ratings?) and they can prove it they can sue the person?
From my understanding there was a segment or 2 to go explaining how the Pairs worked and the Opening Night Power Play, but that didn't happen.

Mike got told through his ear piece, that's it, thank Sonya and let everyone go.

This was not planned. But I think because someone was blogging and releasing details, they ended it cause they didn't want the power play to be released.

I just got a message to say the power play has happened and some of the housemates are not happy.

I guess we have to wait till TV tomorrow night it find out.


I can't understand this.. At all.. How did they expect a pre-recorded show to keep secrets. If not live blogged then it would have been reported very soon after *shakes head*

Hmmm.... waterproof wireless mic transmitters? Is this the first year they've used them?

That's kinda cool. Does that mean they will wear the in the shower / spa / pool?

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who helped with the launch coverage tonight. Great team effort.

Also, some observations:
  • I'm feeling optimistic about this series.
  • Housemates look pretty good.
  • Big Brother production still paranoid as ever. Just got word that Channel 9's PR department is asking people to take photos of the stage down from Twitter.
  • Big Brother production obviously refreshing Behind Big Brother non stop.
  • Very fun throwing a bit of shade towards the official BB social media team.

Well done @Tim @vid and team. Your drone must have been pretty stealth.

Apparently Big Brother production is pissed off++++

But I must say

We do this every season and have been doing it for quite some time. Yet they always act so shitty and surprised.

Pre-recording a TV show then expecting people not to talk about it after, or post things on social media IN 2014 is frankly, really out of touch with reality.

This x100000000 I just can't understand how they expect anything not to leak. This show has crazy obsessives and we will do anything to get any information.

Easy way to solve the problem. Live launch.

I kept an eye out for you tonight :p even made myself look like a fool by asking a male usher if he is "goon"?

There's no reason why the launch can't be live.

They just need to give the housemates a big task or lots to do straight after they enter so you have footage to fill the first daily show the next day. Then the schedule continues as normal. Simples.

I'm happy just to watch them interact and get to know each other on night one. No task needed. That will help us to get to know the HMs as early as possible.
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