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Episode Aus Survivor: Blood v Water, Ep 5

…”Mark is smiling away” says The Pags… Marks thinking to himself “remember… breathe in… breathe out… breathe in… brea”… cheers.
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So she’s angry that they didn’t show her make a deal to give Sam the win in a reward challenge (not even immunity) in a challenge where Sams team didn’t end up winning anyway.

Sooooo salty.
…I love how they have shots of Crocodiles just as they go in the water as if it’s the same body of water in some episodes… lol!… as if the producers would really let that happen?… Occupational Health and Safety would have shit bricks if that was really happening lol!… cheers.
…don’t get rid of Khahn for my sake!… I want him to win this… why aren’t they trying to get Sandra out the idiots!… or even Mark because he’s so strong in challenges ffs!… cheers.