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The Affable Thread

Lets get real. Is any Covid nurse who has lived through the last 18 months in the USA going to think life is worth wasting with this crap? They have seen way too much death to do that.
This Covid nurse thinks (usually) the fair dinkum denizens of this Forum are exactly what she needs to get over the pandemic
Last year exactly this date
One of my patients finally succomed after 3 months in hospital
I broke regulations and wheeled her husband's bed (also a patient) into her room
so they could spend their last night together in the same bed
I was suspended for a month.
Thus I choose to go where I choose to go
Take my effing name out of your mouths
surely you have more important people you actually know
to insult, denigrate & speculate upon
To me, you're just a pile of not fair, not dinkum
Pax vobiscum
I wonder if the COVID nurse Penguin is just an imaginary friend account for someone 🤣
Golly, Inigo for someone Reep used to really love
you are amazingly dum
Not imaginary
shalll I tell you things about you
that prove I'm real?
Been to any spas lately?
Does the number 100 mean anything???
Stop talking about me
Move on w/your pointless bitching & moaning
I have
Weren't you studying to be a nurse once? Are you still doing that or have you gone on to something else? You could have gotten some insights from her instead of trying to look cool for people who don't give a fuck about you.
Sorry, dear Columbo
Harbour no hope for the intellect, temperment or empathy of Inigo
she wouldn't meet the lowest standard of civility to become a nurse
Why do you think she's imaginary?
haha..again, you are wasting time
some people can't accept that good things happen to nice people
2 May, a fatality that broke my heart
I shall not divulge details
but this was not an elderly patient
it was an infant from a family who to this day won't get vaccinated
thus, I came home
turned on lappy
googled bbaus
and pressed lucky
finding this forum
& you, sweetie
ne t'inquiet pas
haha..again, you are wasting time
some people can't accept that good things happen to nice people
2 May, a fatality that broke my heart
I shall not divulge details
but this was not an elderly patient
it was an infant from a family who to this day won't get vaccinated
thus, I came home
turned on lappy
googled bbaus
and pressed lucky
finding this forum
& you, sweetie
ne t'inquiet pas

Oh no that's so sad.
Golly, Inigo for someone Reep used to really love
you are amazingly dum
Not imaginary
shalll I tell you things about you
that prove I'm real?
Been to any spas lately?
Does the number 100 mean anything???
Stop talking about me
Move on w/your pointless bitching & moaning
I have

Insecurity and jealousy on her part i think.
I've never studied nursing nor have I ever discussed my qualifications with you. Whatever grievances you have with that woman you're obsessed with should be discussed with her and not me. If you're looking for someone to fill the void talk to the COVID nurse or an imaginary friend. 🤣
What I know about Inigo
has nothing to do w/qualificatios
100 indicates quantity not quality
never lost
it's something found & at 5 pm
when I've spent the day at the literal beach
it's a nice transition to rest before my friends & I go out for late dinner & clubbng on the Sunset strip

Oh ok. Well that's something for me to think about.
Insecurity and jealousy on her part i think.
haha that requires enough brain power to spark a light w/damp tinder
thank god for grindr/tindr
not to be gender or orientation negative
make love not war is my policy
but I do not tolerate anyone denigrating me
It's a binary (non sexual) choice
like me or leave me out of your mouths, speculations or general chat
surely there is some soap opera more conducive to pea brains
cheers, dear mmm
I'm enjoying the contrast between our activities in discord & this forum
haha that requires enough brain power to spark a light w/damp tinder
thank god for grindr/tindr
not to be gender or orientation negative
make love not war is my policy
but I do not tolerate anyone denigrating me
It's a binary (non sexual) choice
like me or leave me out of your mouths, speculations or general chat
surely there is some soap opera more conducive to pea brains
cheers, dear mmm
I'm enjoying the contrast between our activities in discord & this forum

Lol me too