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Bachelor In Paradise 2018

Woollies shopping today,,,,no cash registers working so it was like a traffic jam......and they will have a lot of reshelving to do, like me anyone with a brain just left, trollies full discarded
In the meantime the Daily Fail is now saying Keira and Jarrod actually had a wedding ceremony on the island

good grief ... where do they get this shit ... oh yeah ... filched it yet again from Woeman’s Day

a bit like quoting wikipedia as a source for your thesis ...O_O;):arghh::mad::geek::woot: be quite honest crimmy... this wouldn't surprise me if this actually came true... it would be a great opportunity for them to steal everyone's thunder at the ending wouldn't it?... and... I think that reepbot has been right all the way along through this... they are destined to end up together... reepbot has finally convinced me!... cheers.
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I look forward to the moment where you tell someone one of your friends about who you like and then they go out on a date with her.. We will see if you think they have good intention then.

there's only problem: i have no friends. and if i did i wouldn't dictate who they could or couldn't date. because that is silly.