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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2018) - Episode Discussion

No, treat everyone with respect, no matter what gender they are. I'm over the men treat women nicely thing. Everyone gets fragile and needs to be treated nicely. Not just women. FFS.

...yes true that Fiona... although if I argue with a woman I argue so differently than I do with a man... when I argue with a woman I try to be polite and not try to 'win the arguement' by being nasty back at them... when I argue with a man I give back what is dished out at me... if the man is nasty... I'm nasty back... whether the guy has my respect while he's giving me a serve I cannot give you an honest answer... but each to their own methods I guess?... cheers.
...yes true that Fiona... although if I argue with a woman I argue so differently than I do with a man... when I argue with a woman I try to be polite and not try to 'win the arguement' by being nasty back at them... when I argue with a man I give back what is dished out at me... if the man is nasty... I'm nasty back... whether the guy has my respect while he's giving me a serve I cannot give you an honest answer... but each to their own methods I guess?... cheers.
No, argue as you are argued with. Many women take the high road and play the crinolined vapour lady, and cry foul and expect to be treated differently, although they want everything a man has, but if they're playing dirty or rude, give as good as you get.
...yes... it does sound ominous doesn't it?... perhaps it's Shannon or Josh because according to the Bookies... they are the favourites aren't they?... we'll see soon enough I guess?... cheers.

oooo shock, hope it is a male, don't care who.....maybe it is Shannon or Josh

...haha!... two minds thinking alike there kxk lol!... cheers.