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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2018) - Episode Discussion

5 stars, they could not drink the last gross drink

It contains the herbs Astragalus, Reishi Mushroom and Privet Fruit, and is an immune system rebuilder and tonic and is a very helpful combination for repetitive cold and flu infections and post infection recovery.

AstraForte Liquid is specifically designed for people who are suffering from illness of the upper respiratory tract and provides support for the immune system.

Astragalus has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine as a general tonic and to support healthy immune function.

Ingredients Per 2.5ml Serve

Astragalus membranaceous (Astragalus) root 1000mg
Ligustrum lucidum (Privet) fruit 500mg
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) mushroom 500mg everything in it is natural iingredients... then I should be okay with it... I might print all of this out and ask her tomorrow... wow!... thanks for the info kxk...

...and... 5 stars is a good attempt... well done them... cheers.
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Anyone know if the show will return next year? I heard the ratings have been very low this year.

...according to sav0001 and a couple of others that keep tabs of the ratings it isn't looking too good at the moment miamiBrice... when you think of it... both Celeb and Aussie Survivor are big budget shows... Survivor rated better that Celeb so it's not looking good for our beloved show at all from what I see... I just hope that CBS renew it next year... it's in their hands now methinks!... cheers.
...oh gawd!... that 'mother's letter from home' thing is obviously a set up from Alex to perpetuate the non existent 'romance' angle on his behalf (as far as I'm concerned anyway)... cheers.
That was a dumb trash article sticky

...I thought so too kxk but still... it's just adding to the fakery of Alex's original wish that something would happen between the two of them... even as we speak it's still going... perhaps now it has finally been put to rest... it's just boring now... cheers. the way... my gut feeling tells me that Celeb will be back next year because the new owners of Channel 10 (CBS) love their Reality shows in the US from what I've read so if anything they may make a few changes to the show to improve it's ratings so yes... I think that it will be back somehow... cheers.
..."he looks like he's (Peter) had a haircut from Stevie Wonder with a weed whacker!" says Vicky lol!... funny as!... cheers.
...I'm starting to slow down big time at the moment... I think that sleep may not be too far away even though I went to bed about 1:30 this afternoon and didn't wake up until 6:45 so I'm just going to make the end of the show methinks!... cheers.