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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2017) - Episode Discussion

OMG that frock is hideous - sack this year's stylist, that is a nightmare, and there have been far too many dreary black frocks
Give the poor woman stuff to suit her fabulous personality & figure, some tropical stuff would be nice
Okay, my 2 cents before the show starts, no one here has been attacking fellow posters, I think everyone has had a few digs at those on the show, not on their favourite list, and that's what this is about, forumming while watching a show, just like Gogglebox. So I'm really not sure what the problem is. :cautious:
I find this quite a positive forum. Sure, we certainly cheer on our faves and boo our least liked celebs. But on the whole nobody is mean to the other posters.
OMG that frock is hideous - sack this year's stylist, that is a nightmare, and there have been far too many dreary black frocks
Give the poor woman stuff to suit her fabulous personality & figure, some tropical stuff would be nice
She must sweat buckets in some of those outfits.
Give the poor woman stuff to suit her fabulous personality & figure, some tropical stuff would be nice

...hello all... I won't be on here or on the Gogglebox tonight or for the end of this Celebs season... I've only just had bad news about 10 minutes ago that my Uncle in Qld is dying... I'm his executor and his designated next of kin to take care of his affairs... his organs are shutting down and will not live for much longer from what I've just been told... we're in the process of getting ready to make a big dash up there now... so after this post you won't hear from me for a little while... I hope that you guys have a great rest of the season and that either Casey or Nazeem win this... have fun peoples... sorry to put a downer on the thread too... cheers.

Sorry to hear that Mr S.

I find this quite a positive forum. Sure, we certainly cheer on our faves and boo our least liked celebs. But on the whole nobody is mean to the other posters.

It's the posters that attack other posters that do not get how to gogglebox shows - it is a cheery pastime, and I haven't seen anyone hating.
Just barracking, it's a game designed for us to barrack

And this series, they have been quite a likeable bunch, with some odd personality traits here and there
Lisa was on the morning show, said she nearly left because of Tom's bullying (she mentioned his name several times) Did I miss when he was bullying her? Did they not show it?

Wonder if Tom has heard about it.