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What would reepbot say?

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Sometimes i feel happy and sometimes i feel sad. So i am not sure if i am well.

What do you think of Fleetwood Mac?

I like them....You can go your own way....and lots of others. Saw Stevie Nicks in concert once. She was so drugged out of her mind, they had to push her back out on the stage after the interval, but she was still the song bird she always is . Do you like them?
I like them....You can go your own way....and lots of others. Saw Stevie Nicks in concert once. She was so drugged out of her mind, they had to push her back out on the stage after the interval, but she was still the song bird she always is . Do you like them?

Been listening to a few of their songs. I don't mind them. Big love is probably my favourite song of theirs. Also Christine McVie very underrated.

Been listening to a few of their songs. I don't mind them. Big love is probably my favourite song of theirs. Also Christine McVie very underrated.

Tango in the Night is great album. I agree, they both have very distinctive voices....Little lies...and of course SARAH! What got you listening to them?
(ah, small talk, eh?)
Tango in the Night is great album. I agree, they both have very distinctive voices....Little lies...and of course SARAH! What got you listening to them?
(ah, small talk, eh?)

I was reading about their 1993 performance at Bill Clinton's inauguration.

Damn I do that too.

Cool. But why a director?


No particular reason, other than it's the closest, which I admit is sort of amusing. Have also had personality tests done for professional reasons, and know the consistencies.

PS why are you on about "hated frogs" above btw? (oh, that would be me).
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