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things i hate that everyone else loves

I saw them live tonight. I don't care what they are. She is amazing!!!!
Everyone in hollywood who has tits like hers are generally fake. There is nothing wrong with that :) The girl from blurred lines also has fakes. Seen pictures of her from different angles and they are 100% not authentic. The thing is the best fake breasts begin with existing fat, hence why they can move... Otherwise they look like rock melons under the skin especially if you go too large. Katy's titties are so lovely :inlove: How was the show you lucky thing?!
Mosr fruit and vegetables. The texture of most I find really creepy, somehow. And I only eat it out of guilt or obligation. I also hate this about myself, because it means I have never looked forward to a dinner at someone's place, because I know I will probably be about to swallow down chuncks of stuff and trying to look normal while my skin is crawling.
Mosr fruit and vegetables. The texture of most I find really creepy, somehow. And I only eat it out of guilt or obligation. I also hate this about myself, because it means I have never looked forward to a dinner at someone's place, because I know I will probably be about to swallow down chuncks of stuff and trying to look normal while my skin is crawling.

Yes! YES!! Finally I have met someone who completely agrees with me on this issue!
Comedies entirely based on "Men are different to women, tee hee" and their stereotypes.

Housemates fighting (either I like both and refuse to start disliking one, or the fight is over some trivial crap and they should shut-up and stop boring me).

Mint or spearmint invading dairy products milkshakes ice cream etc The green makes it appear that the cow suffered from an unfortunate infection.

Big Brother producers *always* casting white haired, orange skinned, pink and fluffy wearing, soft toy grasping, mirror addicts who play dumber than the level of dumb that they already, naturally are. E v e r y year, ffs!

Photos of Vegemite a smeared faces that make the poor child look like it's face-planted in a cow pat.

Advertisers that think "cu-cu-gg-e-ly" and other actual or played up kids' speech problems are amusing and cute, not annoying because they're exploitative and trying too hard.

The over-abundance of sweet drinks compared to the scarcity of spicy and savoury type drinks.

Big Brother conflicting with cricket (except T-20 which doesn't matter because it's not real cricket).

"I was like and she was like and it was like, so, like, they were like...". Why so non-committal? Why not say what something actually *was* instead of what it was "like"? Or is it that your descriptive vocab is so lacking that you can only communicate through mime?

I hate that no store carries bedding or couch covers that are already the exact colouring of my cat.

Good point re the cat. Have you noticed too that cats don't come in various geometric patterns either to further the trickiness.
Like coming out of people's mouths every few words is very annoying. I have heard for myself and this isn't intended to be rascist, it's a statement of fact, that when a lot of young males who hail from the sub continent countries ring and enquire about getting treatment in our Emergency Department, they say like in that way a lot. It sounds creepy and is more disturbing that coming from a female. Odd, very odd indeed.
Mosr fruit and vegetables. The texture of most I find really creepy, somehow. And I only eat it out of guilt or obligation. I also hate this about myself, because it means I have never looked forward to a dinner at someone's place, because I know I will probably be about to swallow down chuncks of stuff and trying to look normal while my skin is crawling.

Omg yes! I really struggle to include these foods in my diet as I find both the flavour and texture so unpalatable. I have been this way my whole life too, even when I was a baby and it was my first solids my mum struggled to feed me. It takes away a lot of the enjoyment from eating and I don't know what the solution is.
Neither. I guess he's appealing because he doesn't portray himself as being a bit of a hollywood (dare I say) manwhore? I mean, when you compare him to his peers in lala land. He doesn't do anything for me but I suppose he's a lot better than some of the other hollywood actors because he portrays himself as some new age, sweet, sensitive beta male. I think girls swoon because the concept of this image. I think it's alluring for many girls to imagine/fantasise a relationship with - not necessarily because he's talented.

That actually makes sense to me, like maybe he is the more attainable guy that you might find in real life. I think he has a weird face though :/
Omg yes! I really struggle to include these foods in my diet as I find both the flavour and texture so unpalatable. I have been this way my whole life too, even when I was a baby and it was my first solids my mum struggled to feed me. It takes away a lot of the enjoyment from eating and I don't know what the solution is.
I know. I have tried various things. It is primarily the texture that gets me, so learning to make muushy soups helped. But I still don't enjoy it in any way. And some, like broccoli or cauliflower, just the smell is physically repellant.

I feel so childish, so immature, but to feel my teeth sliding through a raw tomato's flesh, or to have pumpkin stuck in and around my teeth genuinely make my repulsed. I tell myself it is just willpower, so sometimes I will do things like cut it into swallowable pieces, and then just take it like medicine... But there is no pleasure here.

And it is wierd, considering the rubbish I will eat. And enjoy.

Sometimes I can tell that a steak and cheese sandwich, say, could use a lubricant, and something fresh to liven it, but to apply a salad would remove any pleasure in eating it.
That actually makes sense to me, like maybe he is the more attainable guy that you might find in real life. I think he has a weird face though :/
Ah, I left a word out of my sentence and just realised I couldn't edit it! Please excuse the typo.
I agree, his face isn't the most conventionally attractive. I think the appeal is definitely from the characters he portrays and his offscreen persona. Still not my thang either. :hilarious: When re-watching "are you afraid of the dark" for the sake of nostalgia last night, he was in it! Hahaha, derpy
Oh @Winterbourne you and I are total twins. It is mostly the texture for me too and I am finding eating fruit and veggies when frozen helps with this a lot, plus the flavour gets lost a bit. Only a few at a time mind you, I couldn't eat a huge bowl of frozen vegetables.

I also do things like swallow it whole, but where is the fun in that?

I feel so childish about it sometimes but people really underestimate how fussy I am.

I also don't like many sauces so hiding them in sauce is rarely an option.

I can eat fruit in smoothie form though, it must be soy though as I hate creamy dairy, so even then I am fussy.

I totally get you with the steak too, so so much! Like it feels incomplete sometimes but the only other alternative is having much less enjoyment from it.
Ah, I left a word out of my sentence and just realised I couldn't edit it! Please excuse the typo.
I agree, his face isn't the most conventionally attractive. I think the appeal is definitely from the characters he portrays and his offscreen persona. Still not my thang either. :hilarious: When re-watching "are you afraid of the dark" for the sake of nostalgia last night, he was in it! Hahaha, derpy

Oh no, that's ok I think I still got your point. I admittedly haven't seen many of his movies but you're right, it is probably in the characters.

I possibly should add I'm not generally attracted to guys which does not help, but I can still recognise male attractiveness or see whatever most girls see. Not with Gosling though, certainly not with him being this generations Brad Pitt or whatever where his name is synonymous with sexy/handsome etc.

Oh I used to love "are you afraid of the dark?" as a kid!
I wonder where this comes from, because I have been like it since childhood, too.

I work quite a lot with gifted children and I can tell you it's a common trait.
People who are exceptionally intelligent or exceptionally creative often have these kinds of strange idiosyncrasies.
Being a fussy eater tells me that both yourself and @jessy_girl are probably gifted in some capacity.
I wonder where this comes from, because I have been like it since childhood, too. I kept waiting to outgrow it, and was always ashamed. I feel so stupid letting a new friend or partner know. This is quite therapeutic, actually, writing about it here.

I've been the same since childhood, even as a baby my mother struggled with my first solids of fruit and vegetables. I am definitely much better than I used to be but I also was waiting until I outgrew out and it never happened.

My parents - my mum especially - are pretty health conscious and there was a definitely a focus on that growing up so u have wondered if it is from an unconscious rebellion, but it's been lifelong, it can't be.

It's really hard, but no one takes it seriously as a "problem" and I suppose I don't expect them too.
I work quite a lot with gifted children and I can tell you it's a common trait.
People who are exceptionally intelligent or exceptionally creative often have these kinds of strange idiosyncrasies.
Being a fussy eater tells me that both yourself and @jessy_girl are probably gifted in some capacity.

Oh interesting theory. I've never heard this before but I'm intrigued. I do like that explanation more than many others, so I'll go with that for now.