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Episode Day 57 (3/11/14) Eviction

This collective moralizing is sickening. Give the kid a break. Good on the audience!!!! Sonja should be too grown up to beat up on him. His relationship is nobody's business. Funny how the audience is more mature than the people on this forum. He was interesting and entertaining; that was his job on the show. Well done, Lawson.
Which, the nationally televised one?
Jeez, some people so mad. Like you've never made a mistake in your life. :/

I'm more interested in being a fly on the wall of Candice and his conversation.
I never ever ever judged him based on the mistake he initially made, yes I was disappointed that he did it, but for me - it's the way he's worn it like a badge of honour, that's totally unacceptable when (for all he knows) Candice is on the outside struggling to get through her daily life, struggling to get through her university exams, can't walk her cat without getting a bloody photo taken of her.
And he wears the badge of "house cheater" like it's something to be proud of.
I think that had to do with the fact that if Aisha and Travis had taken the money, people would have spent their money voting to Save David, Priya and Jason for absolutely no reason. It would be unethical to hold a vote with people spending money, only to not deliver the eviction.

Though it's vote to save, so technically people would have gotten what they paid for...

P.S. Have you posted a voice clip yet?
So? I don't care if she get defensive or not, it's people on here saying that Tully should not comment on the Lawson thing, SHE FUCKING LIVED IT LAST YEAR. If she gets hate on twitter that is not something I care about.

Yeah we know she lived it and tbh I'm more than happy for her to talk about it. What shits myself and I'm assuming others is that when anyone else but her wants to talk about it she get's the shits and acts all 'why don't you get over it' and 'it's been a year' yet she's the one tweeting about it every other week and I'm just like WTF?
So if this eviction pattern continues of, boy girl boy girl, it means it's either Cat or Aisha getting evicted tomorrow night.
I really hope it's Leo though!!!
Yeah we know she lived it and tbh I'm more than happy for her to talk about it. What shits myself and I'm assuming others is that when anyone else but her wants to talk about it she get's the shits and acts all 'why don't you get over it' and 'it's been a year' yet she's the one tweeting about it every other week and I'm just like WTF?
Yes!!! I've seen her being it up so many times and comments on other peoples tweets about it.