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Priya Appreciation Society



So piss off out of here and we'll see you elsewhere.

You've already said how jealous you are of this thread.... now it's just getting sad

Go start a Skye fan club lol lol lol hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Problem is as you and I both know, no other fanbase is as funny nor as cool as this

GL tho!! maybe go to the David thread and between y'all you can take a Photoshop class or at LEAST stop checking in here constantly

we can seeeeeeeeeeeeeee you

The david/skye threads must be fucking riveting ... Considering they are here all the damn time.
They are pissed they didn't jump on the priya train

There is still time
THANK YOU. You are the first to reply to me in any way shape or form to answer from personal perspective rather than, if you will, a gang mentality.

I now understand why you at least, back her. She's still not my cup of tea and some of the reasons why are in your list of why you DO like her, but at least now I GET it.

Much appreciated. :)

Should you not start off with a qualifier before asking people to explain themselves? Who do you like and why?

I don't think it is about gang mentality. At least not for me.

Why I like Priya is complex. I will say it started on day one. By being selected by BB to be HoH it was set up for her to take the money which put her at a disadvantage with the others, even her partner. I am a sucker for the underdog if I don't think they are getting a fair shot.
As a viewer I like that she brings another type of personality to the house. I don't care for any of the romance storylines which I feel they have been shoving down our throats.

It also has a lot to do with how I feel about what I have seen from the others more than what I have seen from Priya since along with Ryan, and David they have had so little camera time compared to the others.
Skye and Travis are fun at times but a bit immature and/or stupid for me.
Aisha, Leo, lawson, and Cat don't seem to have much going on other than their relationships.

If Priya wins then I think you will find some very ecstatic and surprised forum members (me included) but the fact that she probably won't win doesn't mean we can't cheer her on.

If people really were looking to become a fan of someone to join a "Gang" then Skye or Travis would have been a better choice. ;)
I wanted to slap Sonia for doing that to bhusy[DOUBLEPOST=1414982752][/DOUBLEPOST]Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic!!!!!

I'm scared
I'm excited
I'm pissed off my dr won't give me anymore Valium

I thought it was disrespectful. I know BB is now a show for kids, but that is going too far. First the talk and now the cheeks squeeze :stop: