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Episode Day 51 (28/10/14) Single eviction + HMs swap with next door

I am an atheist remember. I am actually ticked that Cat didn't go but Marina did. Priya.. just another false idol of the deluded IMO. ;)


I had no idea you had such tragic taste.

AAARRRGGHH!! The bloody stream I was watching froze when they read out the percentages and I missed it. Can anyone remember for me please?
it was said on launch night that David's never had long-term I guess he's never found the right girl yet

from his BB bio
He likens relationships to wild flowers, believing that ‘if it’s not all roses by three months, you’ve gotta cut ‘em!’ Suffice to say, he doesn’t dish out the ‘L-word’ too flippantly, and has never had a long-term relationship, but thinks he’s destined to find love in the Big Brother House!

On finding love in the Big Brother House:
I'm not going in looking for love, but if love finds me, hey maybe it's the right time … I look at my parents, who are still together, and they absolutely adore each other, so that's what I aim for. If I can get into something like that then there's absolutely no reason I wouldn't be in a relationship.