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Episode Day 46 (23/10/14) Nominations


Realizes she can't save herself so works out how to nominate the maximum amount of people, right after getting the list down to about 5. She's now managed to turn it into 7 nominees, all without seeing any points or names. SO GOOD!
Yep she's the only one so far who's realised how stupid it is to waste a wack of points revealing names. Bloody smart woman.
Look how he didn't say how many of them could be having their last week. They know damn well, they don't plan on kicking off just 1. They'll change the rules for next week and get rid of 3.
Marina and Cat will go if it's a Double Eviction. If not, CIAO MARINARA FETTUCCINE!
I think Maroona will be evicted and Cat will be spared due to the lack of support she has.