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Travis vs Ryan

Your mum, your aunt, your sister, whatever. Really, why do boys react to this even? It's pure lameness.

Both guys acted like tools but I think Trav redeemed himself with genuine remorse and an apology, whereas Ryan didn't seem as interested in resolving it with Travis as he was in bitching about Travis.

Its between them tho', and although I'm taking Trav's side on this, it doesn't mean I don't still like both of them.
And dont get me started about Sam, "trav you took it way to far" how did he take it more far?

It has to do with the crappy edits.
Here is what David said after talking to Travis.
"The first thing we know is Travie said a stupid comment. We all know it. You guys went with it. you guys grated him. You hit him once it grated him, hit him twice it grated him, hit him 3 times it grated him. He sees it as you guys both gang up on him."
I have no idea what David is talking about because we sure didn't see anything like that.
crappy edit indeed. what really happened?
The rumour this past weekend about Travie being removed due to violence.
Leo making the comment at the spa, while apparently moving/removing alcoholic beverages, about "tonight there was violence..."
how bad did it get?
He threatened to 'whack' and 'drop' him.

He went over to Travis and Sam got in front to bring him back and away.

Cat warned him about violence and then Ryan was saying Travis was 'lucky' as in the context that he'd come at him if it wasn't BB.

Considering far less threats of violence have earned strikes in the past, I'm surprised bb did nothing.
The camera man was probably in the toilet. They probably don't know what happened. The same as the other day in the bath.
THANK YOU! Finally somebody with brains! Ryan was making a joke, he wasn't referring personally to Trav's aunt. However Travis was specifically talking about Ryan's sister(s). Travis is an imbecile! He has sh*t for brains.
I would pay to see his IQ. Then post it all over the internet
I'm neither team Ryan or Travis.
I think Ryan proved himself a puff chested skinny dick who gossips and bitches behind other people's back like a pansy.
I think Travis proved himself a nasty little dude who can't take ownership of his own poor behaviour.
Both guys try to be King Kong thumping chests but both ended up looking like pansy douchebags.
i have to take travis' side here.
but the entire situation makes me wonder if the new girl may have said something to ryan to tip him off that he may not be getting much airtime and is in danger of being seen as 'flying under the radar'...
i have to take travis' side here.
but the entire situation makes me wonder if the new girl may have said something to ryan to tip him off that he may not be getting much airtime and is in danger of being seen as 'flying under the radar'...

That is a good point. I think you're onto something there!
I'm neither team Ryan or Travis.
I think Ryan proved himself a puff chested skinny dick who gossips and bitches behind other people's back like a pansy.
I think Travis proved himself a nasty little dude who can't take ownership of his own poor behaviour.
Both guys try to be King Kong thumping chests but both ended up looking like pansy douchebags.
what were you watching dude? travis is the only one that said sorry

on another note, when ryan was trying to bait travis again in the radio show saying he would bang how travis didn't bite back but went on to point out how hot she is...suck on that ryan.
what were you watching dude? travis is the only one that said sorry

on another note, when ryan was trying to bait travis again in the radio show saying he would bang how travis didn't bite back but went on to point out how hot she is...suck on that ryan.
Ryan is too ugly for Aisha and it burns him. Travis knows it to. :D
I just wanna know if Tragic made threats of physical violence like Ryass did. If not, then Ryass is completely wrong and a bitch.
not from what we saw, trav was a bit amused at ryans attempt to physically threaten him "really, you try'n ta imintidate me bro".... Ryan wasn't very convincing though, Mr. Burns could have held him back, kinda like last year when drew pretended to be angry at ed but tully (with the build of a whippet) was able to hold him back and stop him from angrily flicking his hair in eds direction.
Ryan is too ugly for Aisha and it burns him. Travis knows it to. :D
And that shovel head of Tragic is somehow better? even Aisha admits he is not her type, when she leaves the house and someone built and tall walks up Tragic will be just dust in the wind in her eyes.
Your mum, your aunt, your sister, whatever. Really, why do boys react to this even? It's pure lameness.

Both guys acted like tools but I think Trav redeemed himself with genuine remorse and an apology, whereas Ryan didn't seem as interested in resolving it with Travis as he was in bitching about Travis.

Its between them tho', and although I'm taking Trav's side on this, it doesn't mean I don't still like both of them.

^ This cracks me up :)

Edit: this gif makes me laugh. Although when I clicked reply it has added someone else's post instead of the one that kappuccino was replying to. Scroll back to see the original. Funny and true.
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And that shovel head of Tragic is somehow better? even Aisha admits he is not her type, when she leaves the house and someone built and tall walks up Tragic will be just dust in the wind in her eyes.
Is Travis some how better? Well anyone with a set of eyes can see he that. Don't believe me run a poll? Aisha says Travis isn't the type she normally goes for but she wasn't referring to his looks but rather because of his personality and him being shorter than a guy she would usually go for she has actually stated that in quite specific detail.