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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

The housemates voting between Gem and Jake felt very Lord of the Flies banishment. So brutal to watch Gemma's face coming to terms with her big brother fate.
Prisus was an absolute goddess to her tonight. She slays my heart
Yes, I wasn't too sure about Priya when she first entered but now that my favourite is gone and she was the only one who stuck up for her, she is my new favourite!
I just watched the end bit and had to mute most of it.

For me it is by far the worst BB. I thought the eviction were last night, they had an audience I couldn't stand, I stopped watching. I have to give this BB a go but it is hard :bang:

Yes I nearly gave it away for good last night, it was just woeful. Hopefully it will find its groove again.
She is damned attractive, really; beautifully in proportion and with lovely legs. Life must be difficult for her, to be so obviously different to we mere mortals.

Some say they named her Gemma after the word gamma because thats how she grew to such a size