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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday

OMG just hurry up and fucking start...sounds like a winner

can always rely on tim to make things interesting

and if I'm reading right, lisa is the pot calling the kettle black...considering her major sook fest earlier this week
I totally don't understand what is going on right now.
Gemma THINKS she's clever
she's forgetting that before she gets to be strategic she's already up and available for the public to vote out ... and in a comp vs Jake she really doesn't stand a chance

but this editing is crazy ... we're in the middle of the Tim'Gemma talk and get thrown into the middle of a Skye/Lisa relationship tanty?!

I think next ep I might down a few g&t's before showtime - maybe THEN I'll be able to follow it!
It would be funnier if they were told that the pairs would be split so they act a certain way but they were not actually being split up (for example, stop acting nice because of the in their pair)