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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday

I was told 9.00pm. Now it's 9.22pm?!?! FUCK DISSSSSSSSSSS
my first impression of lisa is....oh man, I'm hell cool, easy going and all that, I'm open minded, work in a strip club, cool hipster/gangsta biatch and all but kinda said something that might make me look not as cool as I think I am....waaaaahhhhhh.....waaahhhhhhhh....everybody is gonna think I'm not the cool hipster/gangsta chick....sob sob waaahhhhhhhhh...I'm so coooool man, now everyone's gonna think I'm a precious turd but I'm really oh so hip and with it, maaaan.

kinda like tully all over again.

...and if they are this similar AND know each other I feel I may choke on my paddle pop....the one with the popping candy even.
my first impression of lisa is....oh man, I'm hell cool, easy going and all that, I'm open minded, work in a strip club, cool hipster/gangsta biatch and all but kinda said something that might make me look not as cool as I think I am....waaaaahhhhhh.....waaahhhhhhhh....everybody is gonna think I'm not the cool hipster/gangsta chick....sob sob waaahhhhhhhhh...I'm so coooool man, now everyone's gonna think I'm a precious turd but I'm really oh so hip and with it, maaaan.

kinda like tully all over again.

...and if they are this similar AND know each other I feel I may choke on my paddle pop....the one with the popping candy even.

So, you got any other grog?
To be completely honest, my thoughts on Tim is that he'll say whatever we want to hear whilst on these forums but in all realism he is probably so far up Alex and Co's ass he'll do anything to please them. Tonight will be scripted harder than Sonia's autocue.
See maybe it's from being in that post BB thread religiously for the past year but I don't think that at all. Parts will be scripted for sure but from those spoilers alone he's had them spill more than we've had this whole time. Just one of those storylines alone would've been more than we've had and yet look what he's done simply by being in there! He's pissed Alex and Ch 9 off many times since his season ended. We've watched it unfold in real time. He even got me offside not so long ago and I've rode the stan train harder for him on here more than most. He lost one of his closest friendships because of his big mouth and had to work hard to regain it so I think he really is just that guy... no filter and with that sense of self that thinks no matter what, either you get him or you don't and things will still work out ok. He'll play along but he'll also still accomplish what he intended to. (Which it seems he has already re David for example)
my first impression of lisa is....oh man, I'm hell cool, easy going and all that, I'm open minded, work in a strip club, cool hipster/gangsta biatch and all but kinda said something that might make me look not as cool as I think I am....waaaaahhhhhh.....waaahhhhhhhh....everybody is gonna think I'm not the cool hipster/gangsta chick....sob sob waaahhhhhhhhh...I'm so coooool man, now everyone's gonna think I'm a precious turd but I'm really oh so hip and with it, maaaan.

kinda like tully all over again.

...and if they are this similar AND know each other I feel I may choke on my paddle pop....the one with the popping candy even.

Time to change the bong water, sis.
I have a feeling that it’s Dion and Jake who are friends outside the house. There’s just ‘something’ in their body language that I’ve picked up on (as limited as the footage is). That, plus I reckon it has to be Jake and someone (how else would Tim know?), and they’re both originally from QLD as well…

I have a degree in armchair mystery-solving from the school of Jessica Fletcher, so you can trust me on this. :p
I'm in such a cranky mood. I wish they would stop faffing around with the show time and channel and just put this damn show on at a decent time. I really want to be into this season but it's such a struggle. Show times, show channel, the million different stunts... I mean Tim going in already - what the eff up with that??

I don't mind having the older content after 8:30 but Big Brother is usually a family show in my house and each one of us usually has a different fav. My kids go to bed at 8:30 and they haven't seen a single show this year. It's not that I care that they haven't seen it... I just don't understand pouring huge amounts of money into a show, all that effort and talking it up and then basically disrespect the format and the fans so much that we'll be lucky to get a season next year.