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Episode Day 2 (9/9/14) Live Show: The Storm Has Arrived

Lisa can't help herself with the bitching, I can see her trying to form a "popular" clique like last year.
I'm Team Priya and Skye (hope she did troll and/or Fuck a Subritzky) vs Team Gemma

bloody hell... Gem was one of my favourites but I hope Priya fucks them all over with the shakes
How does PREGNANT GENTRY make the news, let alone two days in a row. This country is a mess. AuSkyelia.
I actually disagree, I think this kinda proves that there is MORE to Skye. I like that she asks questions instead of letting things slide. She looks for clarification. I think she has the potential to really dig her heels in. Plus she's pretty damn funny to watch.
I didnt take what Gemma said to Skye as rude. But then again I would never say anything behind someones back i wouldn't say to their face. Sometimes it really shocks people,even when I'm being "nice".