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2014 Media Articles Thread

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Gold Coast Bulletin reporter Jack Houghton checks out the Big Brother house



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Diary of a Big Brother housemate

Imagine this: no phone, no television, no gripping reading material, no concept of time and all means of communication to the outside world completely cut off.
In this day and age, the thought of being stripped of all of the above would have almost any tech-savvy, social media addict on edge.
Admittedly, when I was selected as a stand-in housemate for a "test run" inside this year's Big Brother house, which heads into its 11th Australian season and third since being revived by Nine, I thought I would be one of those people.
Surprisingly, it wasn't the case.






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Ok now I'm bored.

Put only entertainment writers in the house as the test housemates and every article ends up being the same. Even the photos are getting repetitive.
Also Daily Mail Australia is just a bunch of young "desktop" journalists who sit there and trawl the internet for stories they can repurpose.
Obvious, the writing is so appalling it reads like a romance novel, 'lustrous/luscious locks' being a favourite and used daily - lately for Jade's straw extensions, and even used for Tully's funny looking hair. DM reporter looks about 14.
They write like my old shithouse film reviews I was told to produce from press releases, we went to printers monthly, and we never saw the movies we reviewed :)

Oh and I came here to post this, something as a nice warm up for the onslaught of famewhores next week:)

The show below is on ABC iview, don't miss it.
It explains so much about BB HMs and anyone who thinks they should be famous for nothing, awesome show.

Fame, Lies And Sex Tape

Series 1 | Episode 2

Sabour Bradley becomes the manager of a fame wannabe and flies to Hollywood where his client is tested by the lure of sex tapes. #HeadFirst
Snippet from article | Sonia Kruger

.......She revealed to Daily Mail Australia that a magician will be entering the house for the first time in the show's history.
'We've never had a magician in the house before,' she said on Wednesday, 'I wonder what's going to happen if he decides to make himself disappear half way through the series and reappear just at grand final time or whether he'll be sawing any housemates in half!'

The popular TV star also hinted that: 'money is going to be very significant in the house this season.'
'In the past the only kind of monetary element has been the prize money in the end,' she said.
'I don't think that that's the case this time around, if we know that power corrupts we also know that money corrupts so there could be a lot of temptation placed in the way of the housemates.'

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Exclusive Interview – Big Brother’s Co-Producer Chris Blackburn Talks All Things BB

Big Brother kicks off next Monday on NINE, and Chris Blackburn, c0-producer and the man who condenses the show from the 24 hour footage to the one hour show we see each night agreed to be interview.

Here he talks about why they can’t show the worst in people, the awareness of the contestants and what we can expect of the new season.

So in a sense is he the “real Big Brother” controlling the show?

Well let’s find out:

Reality Ravings: What can we expect this season that is different from the other two seasons?

Chris: Well I can’t give away, and I won’t call it the twist, as I call it a twist every year. I can’t give away this year’s mechanisms except to say that its something we have not tried before and I don’t know of any other territory that has tried this before. It is a first night surprise, but it is something that means the housemates need to think about not just how they are playing the game but how others close to them will be playing the game.

RR: Are the audience going to have any control over this or is it just in house?

Chris: This year because of all this new technology we will be including the audience in weekly decision making which will make it more entertaining for them. They can actually suggest things and have their say in certain ways.

RR: Sounds interesting.

Chris: I know every show says this every year but it is very different how we are doing it this year. This standard thing of dropping, twelve, fourteen, sixteen people in the house and see what happens is brilliant, that is still what we are all about, but we need to freshen things up and we need to have things that surprise the housemates and the audience and make it not just fourteen, sixteen, eighteen people in the house.

RR: My understanding is that you are one of the persons that is responsible for truncating the 24 hours of footage into a one hour show so are you the ultimate Big Brother are you the one who can control who the audience love and hate and ultimately create the winner?

Chris: Well people think we do do that.

RR: I think I might be one of those people.

Chris: It is more basic then that. What comes out of the house is entertaining stuff and stuff that is not so entertaining. There is stuff that fits into story lines and stuff that is just random. Funny moments are always going to make the show but we absolutely don’t go in trying to make this person look like that or not look like that. We basically take what the house delivers us and we look at it and say what does this mean for the story of the house and what does it mean that particular housemate is like and that is why it works as we take their lead, we don’t try and lead them. Producers are not as clever or entertaining as the real thing. Produced TV is stale and predictable and when you let the housemates lead you that’s when it gets interesting. We’ve had Michael Beveridge, in 2012, he started off not liking Estelle and by week 10 or 9 they kind of hooked up together, we can’t make that happen it is something that evolves naturally. Those things that surprise us makes it unpredictable, that is what we are looking for. We are not trying to get into an edit suite and come up with a preconceived drama that does not fit in with the facts. (cont'd)
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