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Episode Day 95 (31/10/13): 'Trick or Treat' special (90 m)

I loved tonights episode! These types of shows where they show footage to the final 5 or 6 housemates of their time in the house both good and bad is always awesome!
I'm pretty disappointed in tonight show, I thought the secrets/tricks would be juicier. I think Tahan and Drew got off lightly with their bitchiness and Jade copped it quite bad, although I wish they had shown more of Ed bagging her so she can finally get that he's just not that into her.
Think it was more the fact it was said and she denied it to Tahan later. The afters weren't the issues.
yes I think if Mikkayla and Jade had spoken to Tahan when she she asked them about it, instead of trying to blow her off..Mikkayla made the dinners ready excuse , they may have cleared the air about, rather than tonight. Jade was pissed Tahan had nominated Ed when she saw with her nomination superpower that day.
The girls knew they had been seriously bitching about Tahan, didnt really matter what was said..Mikkayla told her what she thought she overheard with Tim and Tahan in the bathroom..Drew was there both times, so thats why he was telling Tahan the story, since she was his friend, not just to get at Jade at all. I think he thought Tahan would laugh it off as usual not take offense but she was more worried about what Jade said, than mikkayla's 'kick dirt over the hole and gossiping about what she'd overheard, maybe because she expected that kind of talk for her?
If she does, I hope that gives her enough confidence to kick ed to the curb and find herself a man who actually likes her and isn't a pussy (hate using that word but he totally is)

Personally, I hope she gains enough confidence to realize she can live life WITHOUT requiring a man to boost her up all the time.
The part with Tim explaining his rocks and the meanings as to why he chose them as each persons rocks I think the housemates left looked at him in a different light. You could see jade thinking why have you hidden this side of you?

He is deeper than people thought bit didn't let it get in the way of his main goal. I think now he is happy to face Tahan (who he thinks is the strongest rival)
Personally, I hope she gains enough confidence to realize she can live life WITHOUT requiring a man to boost her up all the time.

She is already coming alive again. Check the LFs. So weird. It's like she was under a spell while with Ed. A spell of boringness. .
Just watched the show on IQ...I read this daily show forum a couple of hours before watching...people in here are totally blind...Jade was very poised and gorgeously eloquent as's like Chinese whispers, you all get it so wrong! The local pub corner drug pusher [MENTION=26227]NurseNikki[/MENTION], rewatch the show and you'll see Jade is quiet but fine. Me thinks YOU are overdoing the hillbilly heroin!
The part with Tim explaining his rocks and the meanings as to why he chose them as each persons rocks I think the housemates left looked at him in a different light. You could see jade thinking why have you hidden this side of you?

He is deeper than people thought bit didn't let it get in the way of his main goal. I think now he is happy to face Tahan (who he thinks is the strongest rival)
Yes, we never see that side of Tim, do we?
His mind works in mysterious ways and his way of seeing the world is so unique!
Just watched the show on IQ...I read this daily show forum a couple of hours before watching...people in here are totally blind...Jade was very poised and gorgeously eloquent as's like Chinese whispers, you all get it so wrong! The local pub corner drug pusher @nursenicki, rewatch the show and you'll see Jade is quiet but fine. Me thinks YOU are overdoing the hillbilly heroin!

I'm glad someone saw it for what it was.
Apparently she was on Valium because she wasn't shoving food down her gullet or being as animated as the other housemates.
That lighting! It does Anthony Drew no favours at all. All I can see is forehead grease and Hell Boy horns.
I'm pretty disappointed in tonight show, I thought the secrets/tricks would be juicier. I think Tahan and Drew got off lightly with their bitchiness and Jade copped it quite bad, although I wish they had shown more of Ed bagging her so she can finally get that he's just not that into her.

"I'm pretty disappointed in tonight show" - SAID NO ONE ELSE
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Drew and Tim, but yeah. It's nice how quickly they have rallied for her. And how they are trying to gently show her how reality might be.

Tim and Drew gentle? Ha! Tim saying Ed lied, and repeating it, was intended to hurt Jade's feelings, and it worked. Tim is a cruel piece of shit, and Drew is not much better.

Tim will win, because his fans are deluded dickheads.