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Episode Day 92 (28/10/13) Daily Show (90 mins)

I didn't perceive it as purely a Boog and Tim interaction like that.

The way I perceived it, that Tim was attacking her character as a whole, that she is somebody that takes things too far, not just to Tim but to everyone.

And I think, she rightly, is frustrated because in her view, and mine, she is doing things at the same level as Tim.

Which anyway, is a matter of opinion so I'll leave it at that.

the HMs welcomed boogsi with open arms...but what she and some of the HMs forget
boogsi is an INTRUDER...what Tahan said about the Intruder stigma...the HMs have
to put up with each other's nonsense for 3 months, boogsi for 3 weeks...they fail
to recognize her status will be to their, hum Drew
They showed to much of this, Became boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its BB not the Tims fan club tv show.

There are others in the BB house.
I like the interaction with Drew and Boog. Tim doesn't like it because he's lost all control over the other housemates.
The housemates have finally woken up to Tim and Tim knows it.

That last scene with Tim looking at the ceiling in tonight's show tells me Tim knows the others have had enough of him.

Tonight Tim thought he's go from being with Tahan, Boog and Drew to being with Ed and Jade who have had enough of Tim too.
Tim laying down talking to Ed and Jade and Ed asks for a massage. I thought Jade would massage while Tim was with them but instead Ed and Jade move over to where the others are and Tim is left all alone. Tim gets up and goes in to sulk in bed.

Tim has done it to himself. He creates kaos which was funny with a bigger group but now as the numbers get smaller and smaller they get to see Tim targeting the same person over and over where in a large group he could light spot fires everywhere and walk away.

Tim can throw insults to others but can't handle it when anyone dares to speak up against him.

Hes angry at that no one will speak up for him.

Tim cant handle a 2nd pot stirrer, first with Justynn and now Boog.
When Tim told Mikkayla that 'Tahan has no meaningful friendship in here', this is him now.
I can't believe I am saying this but I have gone off Tim a bit for this ep because he is trying to play the victim. They never showed Tim's pt comment to boog, and can tell the editors are trying to make him seem misunderstood. I Still like Tim but just hate how obvious the producers like him.[/.

Tim is such the obvious winner, production had to throw this ep at viewers to stem the flow of tim support...not a good look if finale night Tim 75% Tahan 25%...possibly Tim had 50% of votes coming in and less for the others, especially Drew (ep fav)...i would love to see wedn nite with tim having 60% of the vote and they showed it to the HMs....
Unlike all the other HMs who treated Ben like a special needs kid, who constantly patronised him and coddled him and treated him with kid gloves - Tim treated Ben as an equal and a peer. Tim showed Ben the most respect out of any HM there. Tim was the first one to give Ben a hug and some words of comfort when Ben was having a bad day, but he also didn't tolerate his manchild shit and would call him out when he deserved it. Quite frankly it's pathetic if Ben interprets the way Tim treated him as "mean".

I think the thing Tim said about Boog that made Tahan want to punch him was a dig about her intelligence. Because in the fight he explained that he does make fun of her for being dumb, but that he's only kidding.

methinks Tahan sits at the knee of the Master in this Game...she admitted to tim that she says stuff (to get a rise out of HMs) just like tim and I saw this as a moment when she tricked Ediot into getting involved...good on her...she points the finger at Tim while learning from the Teacher, Tim...T&T play this Game!
Tim is such the obvious winner, production had to throw this ep at viewers to stem the flow of tim support...not a good look if finale night Tim 75% Tahan 25%...possibly Tim had 50% of votes coming in and less for the others, especially Drew (ep fav)...i would love to see wedn nite with tim having 60% of the vote and they showed it to the HMs....

They made this whole episode about him and didn't even show the comment on what he said to boog to prove her point and to me that says so much in itself. Production obviously are gunning for a Tim win as you said, I just don't understand how people can still be getting the invisible edit when there are only 6 people left in the house!!!
Boog went too far. That's a given and something she copped to doing at times. Tim had every right to be upset. BUT as for peas getting peed on, it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Who knows if Mr. Clooney has peed on them. Peas in gardens could be peed on by any number of creatures. And fertilized by manure. Wash the damn things and get over it.

er, hum...Mr. Clooney is a dog...with all the grass in the backyard
why did she Choose tim's peas....too far, boogsi, too f-in far...
I think you will find Boog isn't up for eviction. Its between Jade, Drew, Ed and Tim this week.
Tim will be the one that will leave this week.

tim is setting them up like dominoes...boogis will be evicted next after Ed
the first step is realizing ya have a problem....hahahaha
only trying to look out for ya becos your one of many who make this BBAU experience excellent for me
no blood vessel bursting, ya Hear?
Thanks SENT1. I have calmed down now after a good nights sleep with images of Ed's exploding cranium dancing through my head!! ;)
do you live with Tim? He's obviously pissed them off on a regular basis and as the group gets smaller its more obvious so people are finally saying something and he cant take it. Why did BB cut out what he said to Boog? favouritism

No I don't live with Tim. But there is a very clear social definition of a bad person. Tim doesn't fit it. Being hard to live with doesn't make anyone a bad person. They have all pissed each other off, none of them are bad people.
No I don't live with Tim. But there is a very clear social definition of a bad person. Tim doesn't fit it. Being hard to live with doesn't make anyone a bad person. They have all pissed each other off, none of them are bad people.
Far out if being hard to live with made someone a bad person I'd be sporting horns and a tail for sure! :D And so would 95% of the people who grace the earth. At one time or another I reckon everyone is hard to live with.

Like my husband (who hates BB and especially Tim, and yet I allow him to live *snort*) said last night, they have been locked up together for 92 days. It is far past time for the cracks to show and every little thing is bound to annoy.
hey guys...ive been out all day and the monday show still isnt up on utube yet, there any link you all know of where i can watch it? It's monday evening here in the us thanks
hey guys...ive been out all day and the monday show still isnt up on utube yet, there any link you all know of where i can watch it? It's monday evening here in the us thanks

Check out youtube - person with the username oleHABSole - yesterdays episode is up and all previous ones too.
Just watched the show.

I'm sick of ed butting in wherever Tim is concerned. It does my head in! Fight your own. Seriously, fight your own battles with Tim! I do t understand why ed feels the need to speak up when so done else is upset with Tim. Eff off already!

Yes drew, you should have spoken up for Tim. You think eds a dick so don't act like he has a valid point when Tim isn't around.

Jade, jade, jade... Lost cause.

I feel like Tim does try and involve everyone, even if he doesn't like ed, he still tries. Ed annoys me and I want him gone! That or get rid of jade, she is nothing more than eds shadow and well she hasn't offered much for a while now, plus it leaves ed with no one and tbh, I'm curious as to what he will do without anyone to mind screw with his vendetta on Tim.

Last thing, I feel like the show was incomplete for me- I feel like I didn't get my tahan fix. I hope next episode there is more of her
Just finished watching the episode - not sure if this has been said but I found it interesting that right after the conversation between Ed and Tim about wanting to spend more time together, we are shown Tim thirdwheeling Jade and Ed, and neither of them paying him much attention. While Ed said that they were 'screaming out for company', they didn't seem like they cared if Tim was there or not.
Yes, this was a great insight into the dynamics of the house at the moment and how perceptive Tim's interpretation is. It certainly isn't imagined on his behalf. The "third-wheel" stigma Tim keeps referencing is very real, as evidenced in that closing scene. Ed waffling on about how 'he and Jade' (pfft...retch) would love company, proved to be hot-air and empty words and Tim exposed it all with that rather poignant scene.
Yes, this was a great insight into the dynamics of the house at the moment and how perceptive Tim's interpretation is. It certainly isn't imagined on his behalf. The "third-wheel" stigma Tim keeps referencing is very real, as evidenced in that closing scene. Ed waffling on about how 'he and Jade' (pfft...retch) would love company, proved to be hot-air and empty words and Tim exposed it all with that rather poignant scene.

Ed is screaming out for company from the clutches of the Jadaconda! it's all a projection!
Boog went too far. That's a given and something she copped to doing at times. Tim had every right to be upset. BUT as for peas getting peed on, it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Who knows if Mr. Clooney has peed on them. Peas in gardens could be peed on by any number of creatures. And fertilized by manure. Wash the damn things and get over it.

They may piss on them, but seeing it happen from a so called human is different. As you know it happened.
No I don't live with Tim. But there is a very clear social definition of a bad person. Tim doesn't fit it. Being hard to live with doesn't make anyone a bad person. They have all pissed each other off, none of them are bad people.

In the context of this being a game and the way he treats people to get what he wants then yes he could be seen as a bad person. he wont have any friends from this show when they all leave,he's the type of person that justs moves from people or groups of people and forms no attachments just amuses himself then moves on to the next thing. He proved this with how easily he "falls in love" with Heidi, Jade, Lucy, Boog, Madeline.
Exactly. You could really see Tim trying to make an effort with them even when they were doing vile coupley shit like plucking each other's black hairs... he was even trying to engage them in a conversation ABOUT the black hairs lol... yet what do Jade do? Literally drag a chair AWAY from Tim so she could massage Ed. You could just see Tim thinking: ".... I give up."

I can't remember who mentioned it (earlier in this thread I think) but someone said we'd be reduced to watching Jade pluck Ed's eyebrows and voila!
Kudos to Tim for enduring their mind-numbingly boring company for as long as he did after Ed's open invitation and at least giving it a go. Even more kudos to Tim if he actually anticipated this very scenario and that it would likely be screened to highlight Ed and Jade's superficial ramblings and blatant hypocrisy.