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Episode Day 92 (28/10/13) Daily Show (90 mins)

What's up with Ben's spine backward collapsing and forward folding like that? is he made of cartilage?
He wasn't saying that he was hurt by it though, he said that "some people could take it that way" which is true. Tim can prank and tease people but he can't take it back.
Tim takes a lot back. Boog sat there and said "ooh I'm Tim, I'm such a backstabber" and that's what set him off. Remember what Ed and Jade told Maddie about her and Boog's words having more weight than anyone's in the house when they were in the spa? They are down to 6 people... 5 if you ditch Boog. So I can understand why her implying that Tim's backstabbed Ed, Jade, Drew or Tahan would come across as a personal attack, especially from someone with outside knowledge.
ED: "Why do bad people always end up acting like they're hard done by?" Well, well, well...why don't you answer your own fucking question, Ed-instein!? :mad:
Tim is up for eviction, it seems that the HMs are sending out messages as to why we shouldn't vote for Tim.

They all feel that Tim is the HM most likely to win and they will not let this chance slip away, the more I see, the more I want Tim to win!!!

Yes it looks like they are showing Tim in a bad way tonight. I hope people will vote for him. I don't want him to go, he deserves to be at least second. He made the show this year. He worked hard to make us entertained
It's funny how after the fight Boogs did self-reflect a little while Tim didn't question anything at all
In fact - he made himself to be the victim

I think that just goes to show who the empathetic one is in all this
Classic tonight. Tim asking would Jade still love Ed if he looked like a troll? Jade "I don't know I'd have to get to know him" ding ding ding.

Lol so far most things she says about what she likes in guys is relatively shallow.

Think muscles is the only thing that matter for her.
Every housemate that returns gives Drew a kiss. It's becoming a tradition at this point - will every housemate give him a kiss at the finale?
ha...ha...nice joke allgood

I think you're missing all the times he also helped him when ben was crrying...saying he has nowhere to go and nothing to look forward to after the show...tim was the one who helped him and calmed him down.

If you call what tim did to ben bullying not sure if you would ever like on the show because the rest of them have done MUCH WORSE than...stealing his shirt.

Exactly! And Tim made a big deal to get to know Ben and suggested the clothing swap right at the beginning so they could understand each other more. He recognised how naturally different they are and took steps to get past the difference. He has been very supportive to everyone on many occasions. He plays around but is never intentionally mean and backs of if he gets a sense he is hurting someone
Yes it looks like they are showing Tim in a bad way tonight. I hope people will vote for him. I don't want him to go, he deserves to be at least second. He made the show this year. He worked hard to make us entertained
I think Ed and Jade and Boog are trying their hardest to make Tim look bad. But it isn't working IMO. I just sent more votes his way.
"Ben is not allowed to reveal information from outside the house..."

What did he say that was against the rules?
they asked if he saw the freeze task (ie when Tully came in) and he couldnt say anything ... but did say that Drew doesnt need to win BB he's already won the prize AND then said to Drew you're going to have a VERY merry christmas this year!! but he wasn't allowed to pass on any real information
Exactly! And Tim made a big deal to get to know Ben and suggested the clothing swap right at the beginning so they could understand each other more. He recognised how naturally different they are and took steps to get past the difference. He has been very supportive to everyone on many occasions. He plays around but is never intentionally mean and backs of if he gets a sense he is hurting someone

Read the top comment on this page mate, even Ben felt hard done by,by Tim. Are you saying he is lying??
Tim takes a lot back. Boog sat there and said "ooh I'm Tim, I'm such a backstabber" and that's what set him off. Remember what Ed and Jade told Maddie about her and Boog's words having more weight than anyone's in the house when they were in the spa? They are down to 6 people... 5 if you ditch Boog. So I can understand why her implying that Tim's backstabbed Ed, Jade, Drew or Tahan would come across as a personal attack, especially from someone with outside knowledge.

Omg did boog say that?

I missed some bits of tonights ep.

Ha...boog just dug a very deep grave for herself.

And I love how she thinks she can win...LOL
Great post, but I'd put Jade on Boogs' level, and leave Ed on his own tier of stupidity.

I fucking *loathe* the anti-intellectualism that goes on in the house. The most blatant situation that pissed me off was on the weekend, when Tim was entertaining the housemates with details about the flora growing on the wall. Drew seemed genuinely interested, and they were talking about it, and Boog said, "oh, sorry, I just fell asleep" and other comments about how boring it was. Like, fuck, I get that you're too fucking retarded to value information just for the sake of knowing, but when others are participating and clearly enjoying the conversation, at least have the social awareness to shut the fuck up if you have nothing to add.

There's more too, like "what's the Vatican", Drew's rant about "facts" the housemates regurgitate, and the whole geography clip from the other night. It just really annoys me seeing that shit, these shit idiots walking around being proud of their stupidity. At least Jade doesn't shy away from that sort of thing -- recognises that she's not particularly smart, but seems willing to stop and listen to learn something. Boog is just an idiot, though.

Then when they get into fights, they all bitch and moan about how Tim argues them into feeling like they're wrong. All it is, though, is that they don't have the mental capacity to figure out how to clearly and succinctly express themselves, and he does. None of these idiots have any sense of self-awareness except Tim and Drew. And Tahan -- I don't love her, but it'd be unfair not to admit that she's self-aware, and behaves accordingly. For the rest of them, though, they could fall in a hole and die and I wouldn't care.

Far out.

Sorry, it's a bit of a rant, but I guess I've reached my breaking point this week, too.

Accurate. Very very accurate :eek:
[MENTION=35181]Mrs Butterface[/MENTION] Me too. Usually I try just to ignore it -- after all, we're watching Big Brother, it's probably unfair to expect it to be a great source of intellectual stimulation. But I've reached breaking point seeing the idiots in there flounder about making unfair comments about Tim, just because they're too thick to follow his thought processes.

My girl crush just increased by a factor of 10.
<3 you too! xo

Yes to all of this...I can imagine Boog deriding the smart kids at school....bitch
Yes, exactly.
Read the top comment on this page mate, even Ben felt hard done by,by Tim. Are you saying he is lying??

I thought it was unnecessary for ben to be going all "are you his punching bag now" and boog being all YES YES (shut up...and get out of the house pls boog lol) and I think that just came to show what a sore loser ben is....

Is ben forgetting all the times tim was the only one there for him??
Tell Tim the truth Drew. Ben said he felt like Tim's punching bag while he was in the house.

It's called being a sore loser...

Tim went in the gold room and cried and said I wish ben and the sugar sisters were here..(to comfort him)

I think it was more love from tim and less love from ben in that friendship
They showed none of that so far. Not even them saying the strengths and weaknesses of who they dressed up as.

Wait, they haven't even shown them dressed up as all!! SURELY they'd have to show that?!

Beware peeps: Continuity mess coming up I suspect.

They probably won't show any of that....Too busy playing up the tension between Tim and Ed. What about all the fun they had over the weekend? I want to see some of that.