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Opinions on Tahan having the most votes to save?

It won't/can't last-unless her boyfriends loaded! Jade's very ugly death threat wish being the major facilitator. Oh the irony.
Our society is messed up, I don't see how Tahan supporters could be so blind? Didn't any of you watch how she treated the Sugar Sister? The sisters did nothing wrong to her at all and look at the way they her treated by Tahan. So is everyone just going to forget it? They were bullied by her, saying that they are dumb and Lucy could never be a teacher, going into the diary room on countless occasions saying how much she hated them, also saying that their hair extensions were disgusting (or something along those lines) also saying numerous times that she wants to defeat them. It's not nice at all, if you are all going to support her for all that she has done by upsetting the sugar sisters, jade and mikkayla isn't ok. Just because jade and mikkayla said one stupid comment you'll all going to fuss about it but when tahan has been nasty it has been just brushed over, wake up to yourselves. Why should somebody who hasn't been truely honest and has bullied in the house be saved on countless occasions and "praises" for treating people in a negative way.

EXACTLY. Tahan supporters seem to conveniently forget the way she was with the Sugar Sisters, beyond mean and she was never nice. She completely lied when she said she tries to be nice to them, but from DAY 1 she hated them. She insulted everything from what they wear, to their hair down to the way they say good morning! She never stopped. But now Tahan supporters hold one thing permanently against Jade and Mikk, don't see how that is fair. But it's obviously blind admiration.
Its all a matter of opinion but I think you're over confident when you start belittling other people because you think so highly of yourself. And Tahan has done that. She's made comments like " I can beat you" to Mikkayla in front of the whole group, "I'm better than all those girls", "I know for a fact I have a better personality than them" "I'm the most genuine person in the house" etc.and its usually followed by insults like "they're so annoying" "I can't stand them" "theyre so fake" and so on.

It one thing to be confident in yourself, its another thing to put other people down because you think you're better than them. That crosses the line for me. And they all do it to certain degrees but tahan is probably the most over confident IMO.

I am sorry, but this doesn't address or answer any of my questions. All I can glean is the usual Tahan bashing. It's not personal, but that's all I can see.
I am sorry, but this doesn't address or answer any of my questions. All I can glean is the usual Tahan bashing. It's not personal, but that's all I can see.

That was based on fact actually, her instances are a direct response to your questions about the varying degree of confidence. She is giving you instances of over-confident behaviour as a matter of her opinion, she has not bashed per se
EXACTLY. Tahan supporters seem to conveniently forget the way she was with the Sugar Sisters, beyond mean and she was never nice. She completely lied when she said she tries to be nice to them, but from DAY 1 she hated them. She insulted everything from what they wear, to their hair down to the way they say good morning! She never stopped. But now Tahan supporters hold one thing permanently against Jade and Mikk, don't see how that is fair. But it's obviously blind admiration.

Nah - we just hate the silly sugar lumps too.
We don't judge Tahan for thinking cheap and trashy is offensive.
Those girls offended my senses whenever they were on screen..................and they are not ugly, but gawd they have made themselves look awful with that straw hair and shitty shovels of pasty pink make-up. BB should have given them a make-over.

And as soon as someone keeps advertising, I'm a nice girl, nice person, I am suspicious - normal nice people don't go around chanting nutso stuff like that.
I know a bi-polar bitch who does that, furthest thing from nice I have had the misfortune to encounter.

I'm loving how much this vote has pissed people off:) It's hilarious.
Can I just there anyone here who are Tahan supporters who weren't happy with Ben winning last year? Because in my opinion they are very similar people.

Guilty as charged. My educated guess is that you are too young to have had the privilige of making the aquaintance of Caligula (aka Ben) and his favourite steed Incitatus, whom he attempted to bestow a Consulship upon.

Yes rachael92 such were the times and this was only one of the excesses Caligula aka Ben subjected his minions to.
I am an ardent Tahan supporter and I can assure you there is absolutely no resemblence between the two.
Nah - we just hate the silly sugar lumps too.
We don't judge Tahan for thinking cheap and trashy is offensive.
Those girls offended my senses whenever they were on screen..................and they are not ugly, but gawd they have made themselves look awful with that straw hair and shitty shovels of pasty pink make-up. BB should have given them a make-over.

And as soon as someone keeps advertising, I'm a nice girl, nice person, I am suspicious - normal nice people don't go around chanting nutso stuff like that.
I know a bi-polar bitch who does that, furthest thing from nice I have had the misfortune to encounter.

I'm loving how much this vote has pissed people off:) It's hilarious.
You seem to have a lot of issues with nice people. But okay.
I can recall the Sugar Sisters nominated Tahan every week - and they weren't above bitching about her behind her back, either. Anyone who thinks inane giggling is a worthy personality trait is not someone I would find in the least bit interesting.

Tahan gives her all in every situation. She'll sit in an ice bath, get all bendy playing twister, be in a hostile environment like the BB house and never stop fighting for her position.

Tahan for the win!
One of the big differences between Tahan and Mikkayla is that Tahan is humble, while Mikkayla is proud and loud. Mikkayla was so boastful when she won the superpower at Showdown and lacking in grace. Tahan on the other hand is all grace.

Tahan is humble and all grace? OMFG! That is one of the funniest things I have read on this site. Thanks so much for the laugh.
I can recall the Sugar Sisters nominated Tahan every week - and they weren't above bitching about her behind her back, either. Anyone who thinks inane giggling is a worthy personality trait is not someone I would find in the least bit interesting.

Tahan gives her all in every situation. She'll sit in an ice bath, get all bendy playing twister, be in a hostile environment like the BB house and never stop fighting for her position.

Tahan for the win!

Nah - we just hate the silly sugar lumps too.
We don't judge Tahan for thinking cheap and trashy is offensive.
Those girls offended my senses whenever they were on screen..................and they are not ugly, but gawd they have made themselves look awful with that straw hair and shitty shovels of pasty pink make-up. BB should have given them a make-over.

And as soon as someone keeps advertising, I'm a nice girl, nice person, I am suspicious - normal nice people don't go around chanting nutso stuff like that.
I know a bi-polar bitch who does that, furthest thing from nice I have had the misfortune to encounter.

I'm loving how much this vote has pissed people off:) It's hilarious.

Wow Well it shows that most of her supporters are rude aswell.
I have three main questions to people who like Tahan (and I ask these respecting any of your opinions):
What, if any, positive feelings do you get from her?
What does she add to the show?
Why does she deserve to win?
I still think Tahan is being saved by corporate sponsorship benefits (via Reynolds) from M2K TechComm... She's a shoe in to win this gig. What a turn off.
Did anyone questioning Tahan's high voting percentage stop to consider for just a moment that it may actually not be a 'conspiracy' or have some thought-up ridiculous reason behind it? Some people on this forum need to realise she is a contender to win - deal with it.

(and I couldn't be happier)

I can recall the Sugar Sisters nominated Tahan every week - and they weren't above bitching about her behind her back, either. Anyone who thinks inane giggling is a worthy personality trait is not someone I would find in the least bit interesting.

Tahan gives her all in every situation. She'll sit in an ice bath, get all bendy playing twister, be in a hostile environment like the BB house and never stop fighting for her position.

Tahan for the win!

THIS!! they both had dislike for each other.. but the SS were FAR worse with treating her and excluding her!
I am sorry, but this doesn't address or answer any of my questions. All I can glean is the usual Tahan bashing. It's not personal, but that's all I can see.

You were asking what do you mean by over confident and who decides what is an acceptable level of confidence. I was giving MY OPINION on what that is and giving actual examples of Tahan doing it based on things she actually said. I didn't make any of that up. This thread is about Tahan.
I still think Tahan is being saved by corporate sponsorship benefits (via Reynolds) from M2K TechComm... She's a shoe in to win this gig. What a turn off.

You can say this when she hasn't got fans.

You're disregarding the fact that there is a lot of support for Tahan on here and elsewhere, regardless of this supposed "sponsorship" that you know so much about...

I hated Ben, yet I didn't disregard his fans. I knew they were there.
Edit- duplicate. Sorry.
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