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Opinions on Tahan having the most votes to save?

One of the big differences between Tahan and Mikkayla is that Tahan is humble, while Mikkayla is proud and loud. Mikkayla was so boastful when she won the superpower at Showdown and lacking in grace. Tahan on the other hand is all grace.

Could not DISAGREE more, your delusional! Tahan is a lot of things (some of them good) but humble is definately not one of them. How many times as she said "I'm better than them, I can beat them, I'm going to destroy them etc etc. She also had a little whinge about Mikkayla not deserving to win the showdown the other day (again, infering she is better than her). She has about as much grace as a baby giraffe.

Thanks for the laugh though :)
One of the big differences between Tahan and Mikkayla is that Tahan is humble, while Mikkayla is proud and loud. Mikkayla was so boastful when she won the superpower at Showdown and lacking in grace. Tahan on the other hand is all grace.


I don't understand, what is wrong with the Australian public? Tahan is a bully, she has called housemates fat on numerous occasions and other nasty things. The way she treated the sugar sisters was nothing short of a disgrace, she is not a positive role model for younger viewers, why would the public keep on voting for someone who is perceived as being a bully? Deep down she may be a nice person but treating others the way she has in past isn't right.

I could not agree with you more , and you have stated it nicely:)
I am CRUSHED Tim didn't receive the most save votes. I know he gets 'em almost every other week but still, I don't see anyone more deserving to win than Tim.

I don't see how everyone thinks Tahan is genuine and honest. When she has a problem with someone, she doesn't say it to their face but she scuttles off to bitch about them in the Diary Room instead of straight-up telling them. She always has to bitch about another person behind their backs.

And the time they asked her who she voted from Nathan or Justynn, she lies? Everyone there knew she would've preferred to keep Justynn in -- and yet. After Mikkayla asks her in the kitchen "Why did you lie?", she runs off to Tim to pester him on if he told the rest of the housemates who she voted. That SCREAMS insecurity. It's the little things like that that show how honest or bold she really claims to be.

Yes, Mikkayla and Jade have bitched plenty about other people too, and some of the comments they've made are ugly -- but I don't see how Tahan should be rewarded or praised for doing the same thing. Tahan says she'd bury the Sugar Sisters and everyone cheers her on??

I agree with everything here except that I rarely hear Jade speaking badly about other HM's , she may complain occaisionally, but I have not heard her say ugly things ..(they whole wish she would die thing) she totally took back immediately after saying it , and knew it was wrong.....but the rest about Tahan is so true.....don't know what Australia see's ???
I knew it was Tahan. Tee hee

All those votes, boohoo Tahan haters - she's great to watch and Australia has told you she's going to be the final girl:)
have you ever thought that maybe there is something wrong with you?
if such a large % of BB voters can see how fabulous she is then perhaps the problem lies elsewhere

that's a little rough
I knew it was Tahan. Tee hee

All those votes, boohoo Tahan haters - she's great to watch and Australia has told you she's going to be the final girl:)

Cheers to that
That is exactly why I think you should vote to EVICT and not to SAVE
Can you give some examples of Tahan's bullying. There's the Mikkayla incident and the Sister's incident, but where is the numerous times coming from. I don't think saying someone is annoying you is a disgrace, neither is being confident that you can beat someone.

As for this week, I think people thought Tim and Ben would be safe, so their percentage was down.
And more people were voting for Tahan to get rid of Ed.

That is exactly why the need to vote to EVICT and not to SAVE
I HATE SHE GOT THE MOST TO SAVE! She is a mean hard bully! why does any one deserve to be called fat when tahan knew that mikkayla was very upset about her weight! What about her stereotypical comments to the sugar sister. saying their dumb. She is a bitch that deserves to lave. No more needs to be said!
I HATE SHE GOT THE MOST TO SAVE! She is a mean hard bully! why does any one deserve to be called fat when tahan knew that mikkayla was very upset about her weight! What about her stereotypical comments to the sugar sister. saying their dumb. She is a bitch that deserves to lave. No more needs to be said!
Agreed Agreed Agreed ....
Tahan ain't no bully. Mikkayla's the biggest one there. Her tactics, fawn over your housemate, flatter their ego, give them compliments galore and feed them good and you'll have them in your pocket. Then, you brainwash them how evil and nasty Tahan is. She is insidious and I see right through her. She's braver in numbers. Even Ben says Tahan has a heart of gold. My daughter has friends who come across as arrogant or sassy but once you get to know them personally, they are nothing like that.
Tahan rightfully deserves those votes. She's the under dog. Even though I'm not Australian, my daughter is a resident there, I'm Chuffed to note that the majority of Australians made the right choice. Good Job!
No, honestly. I see what Tahan does not nasty at all. I see a girl who react (not always in a good way) to some circumstance, but I don't feel she has any meanness in her.

You're absolutely right l.a.r.a - stick to your guns and don't let the bullies near you. Dispel them with your magic :cool: