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Episode Day 61 (Fri 27th Sep) Daily Show

Well, Justynn's an ogre. And ogres don't know how to shop for food... RIGHT?!
Drew is a dibber dobber.

Everything that is said, he goes back & tells.

And most times it ends in fights.
Yeah but did you see in the LF yesterday with Tahan saying Drew totally took the "team player" thing out of context and that wasn't what Justynn meant at all? Drew just heard a sentence and ran with it. So he was really bitching to the HMs in the bedroom about nothing but perfectly primed them for that fight.

Fucking hate that they don't show the whole thing or expect everyone to watch LFs.
Gee Justin is a good pot stirrer..... soon as someone fronts him after he starts on them he gets up a walks off....

We want conflict ..... he is weak, a few times he has said to others he will go in for the kill & backs down fairly quickly when they ark up back at him....
They need to put justynn in his place, he thinks he is god

Yeah, I agree... but Mikkayla went about it the wrong way. Well, I guess they're both pretty condescending to each other...