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Episode Day 53 (Thurs 19/09/13): Daily Show (90m)

Yes! i noted that as well ... one for the Average Joe! yeah right Tim - you are soooo average ... and have lived such an average life!!!

lemme think ... Kesha? Rhianna? $400 Tsubi jeans? Expensive jacket? Enough clothes with you to dress all the HM's for your fake birthday party? (btw give Ben some clothes Tim - I'm sick of his never ending supply of B&L pjs ffs!!)

Perception is all that matters ;)
I'm sure Jade didn't talk about Ed the whole time - horrible edit to make her look bad probably.

In saying that, she did talk about him a LOT in the parts that were shown. Its disappointing that she can't figure out who he really is. I wish she could find out that he nominated her.

Exactly, they were in there for 12 hours! Tim admitted he was using this night as a date. When i get unwanted attention, i say i have a boyfriend even if i don't. No doubt Jade was playing up her love for Ed, and Tim definitely got the message but as usual everyone thinks Jade is the dumb blonde who doesn't know what she wants so let's all hate on her and make ourselves feel better. Very sad.
i thought she handled Tim really well.
he was being all weird and creepy. it would have made me feel uncomfortable but she was really nice about it until he pushed a little bit too far, then she just started prattling on about Ed to get him to back off.

That's exactly my take away on it too. She asked him not to take her and then he purposefully did it to make her uncomfortable and then laid some corny, sleazy lines on her and made it clear it was a "date" and people are mad at HER for just trying to keep it on friends terms? I don't get it. It's turned into Tim worship here. He's lucky that Jade even speaks to him considering his "douchebag" ways to her from before.
*crawls into hiding spot with you*

I'm not embarrassed to have a different opinion, much better to be a leader than a follower. Go Jade!

BTW i agree with your other comment that Jade was playing up her love for Ed so Tim would back off, and he got the message loud and clear.
She had also stated earlier that Tim keeps hitting on her and she said it was creepy. She was really concerned about what was going to happen. So I will run a bath and separate myself from him.
As Ed said, he would go into the PS with anyone.

So would I, you get great food & can watch a movie.
Why didn't Mikkayla wait to talk to him seeing he was busy.... ????
She was under very strict orders from Jade to point out the special bracelet!! That was way more important than Ed removing his makeup. Silly Topaz! ;)

If she hadn't pointed it out he no doubt would have inhaled it while snoring and choked on it.
If she hadn't pointed it out he no doubt would have inhaled it while snoring and choked on it.

HAHAHAHAHA! Why is it you make these wonderful funny quick witted remarks after my kids have gone to bed?

*must not laugh so hard to wake kids and make them think wild pigs are roaming the house*
If she hadn't pointed it out he no doubt would have inhaled it while snoring and choked on it.

I hate Jade now for telling Mikkayla to tell Ed about the bracelet. (hate Mikkayla for telling him)

Damn them to hell.
HAHAHAHAHA! Why is it you make these wonderful funny quick witted remarks after my kids have gone to bed?

*must not laugh so hard to wake kids and make them think wild pigs are roaming the house*
Hahahahaha!!! :D