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Episode Day 53 (Thurs 19/09/13): Daily Show (90m)

Jade, Ed does not like you! I honestly think if he shouted in her face saying he would never love her she would still beg him to sleep in his bed.
Stupid STUPID Jade...leaving that bracelet on Ed's beed

FUCK...Ed manages to articulate how he doesn't want Jade to Mikkayla???

Telll Jade you dickhead.
I think Tim is being genuine with taking Jade, he wants to spend quality time with her. This has nothing to do with Ed.
Shut up Jade Tim ACTUALLY likes you give him a chance Ed has made it very clear he wants no more than a party pash Jesus !!!!!
Fuck forget Jade getting evicted, somebody just shoot her and put her out of her misery.

This is just cringeworthy to watch.

Hopefully Mikkayla will tell her now.
LMAO at Tim in the Presidential Suite forced to listen to the long version of I Will Survive interspersed with tributes to Ed.
Jade: you have no chance with Ed! He has no intentions...