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Episode Day 45 (Wed 11 Sep 13) - Daily & Confidential 90m

Try getting a degree. Then we'll talk.

Yes but a degree only gives you intelligence in the field you studied in. There is a wealth of knowledge available that you wouldn't get from a degree. Hell you can get a degree in communications which teaches you to operate a film camera, edit and write scripts. But if you don't have life experience what stories are you going to tell? And what good is operating a camera and editing going to give you in an apocolypse. A degree will only educate you in a slim margin of possible knowledge available in the world. I think people who have a 'degree' like to see themselves as smarter than those who don't have one, and that's where your defensiveness came from.
Perpetuating racist jokes - doesn't matter who is joking, your still pushing stupid racist shit

Oh ok then, so what about an African American calling another African American the N word - this makes them 'racist' does it??.
I think Mikkayla does it so she can control it. If she gets in first, shows she's not going to be intimidated by it, then she devalues as it a weapon against her. But I wonder if she really needs to be doing it as an adult, it seems maybe more like a thing to help get through high school. But who knows, maybe she still has to deal with a lot of petty racism in her life.
I think Mikkayla does it so she can control it. If she gets in first, shows she's not going to be intimidated by it, then she devalues as it a weapon against her. But I wonder if she really needs to be doing it as an adult, it seems maybe more like a thing to help get through high school. But who knows, maybe she still has to deal with a lot of petty racism in her life.

Yes that's definitely one reason some people do it, in my 20s when I first came out I joked and called other gay friends homo and poof, it's definitely a way of taking the power away from someone using it negatively.
I think Mikkayla does it so she can control it. If she gets in first, shows she's not going to be intimidated by it, then she devalues as it a weapon against her. But I wonder if she really needs to be doing it as an adult, it seems maybe more like a thing to help get through high school. But who knows, maybe she still has to deal with a lot of petty racism in her life.
I agree with this post 100%. Pre-emptive strike. I do it for a lot of things in my life.
Everyone loves to claim how multicultural, diverse and accepting Australia is, but reality is a lot of minorities, ESPECIALLY the asian demographic, are discriminated against in subtle, yet sometimes obvious ways. Mik is just trying to make a joke of it to hep her cope and show people she won't be affected by it.
Everyone loves to claim how multicultural, diverse and accepting Australia is, but reality is a lot of minorities, ESPECIALLY the asian demographic, are discriminated against in subtle, yet sometimes obvious ways. Mik is just trying to make a joke of it to hep her cope and show people she won't be affected by it.

A Malaysian friend of mine recently had a glass bottle thrown at her head from a car full of white Australian hoons as they shouted anti asian abuse. All she was doing was walking along the street minding her own business. There is a lot of racism out there which a lot of white people don't realise or notice as it doesn't impact on them. Just watch our 'current affairs' shows to see how they use racism to drive ratings. Might it be noted also that the only two other Asians to ever go on Big Brother were both voted out in their seasons first eviction. I LOVE that Mikkayla has become 'the cat' and is defying the odds. I think she probably IS bossy, but hey aren't we all a little somtimes ;-)
A Malaysian friend of mine recently had a glass bottle thrown at her head from a car full of white Australian hoons as they shouted anti asian abuse. All she was doing was walking along the street minding her own business. There is a lot of racism out there which a lot of white people don't realise or notice as it doesn't impact on them. Just watch our 'current affairs' shows to see how they use racism to drive ratings. Might it be noted also that the only two other Asians to ever go on Big Brother were both voted out in their seasons first eviction. I LOVE that Mikkayla has become 'the cat' and is defying the odds. I think she probably IS bossy, but hey aren't we all a little somtimes ;-)

I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend. I will never be able to comprehend how some people can commit these acts and then proceed to sleep at night. No one deserves this sort of treatment. I agree with you on Mik, loving how she keeps coming back swinging! Would be purrfect (yes pun for the cat *hang head in shame haha) if she won showdowns and swapped herself with Matt or Tully and show these housemates shes not going down without a fight.
I can understand Mikkayla flinging back at Heidi what Heidi has flung at her, but Heidi is no longer in the house. Why does she have to repeat Heidi's leftover jokes around Matt and Tahan?
After watching that clip of Mikkayla massaging Matt, they showed last night I remembered that it wasn't only her that was using the Asian accent. Having just had another look. It was a few of the girls and the other main one was Tahan. Then Tully says that using an Asian accent could be seen to be racist and then Tahan says how can it be when Im an Asian. Interesting that now she goes to the Dairy room and tells BB that Mikkayla is racist and she would never make fun of her culture. Must be short term memory loss. Editing 101 Big Brother style. Personally I dont think its racist.
Why they chose to air that last night astounds me was it just for a ratings boost.
The massage part starts a 17-07 then continues at 17-43.
I just thought it was unfair of them to target Mikkayla like this when Tahan and the other girls were involved too.
Another funny thing is Heidi also did the Asian voice and Mukayla ran to the diary room complaining about her being racist too! like wtf?
A few weeks ago Tahan was saying something about Aboriginies looking like apes, and I think Ed/Heidi etc shushed her saying omg no...
Yeh she did right after Heidi said that.. that's where all the rude abusive talk stemmed from.
Yeh she did right after Heidi said that.. that's where all the rude abusive talk stemmed from.
I remember her in the diary room but she didnt call anyone a racist. I would have to see a video as proof. I think she said Heidi was annoying her.
I remember her in the diary room but she didnt call anyone a racist. I would have to see a video as proof. I think she said Heidi was annoying her.

Ohh hmm.. she definitely said rude etc.. but can't remember 'racist'. Mikkayla certainly implied it regardless though
A Malaysian friend of mine recently had a glass bottle thrown at her head from a car full of white Australian hoons as they shouted anti asian abuse. All she was doing was walking along the street minding her own business. There is a lot of racism out there which a lot of white people don't realise or notice as it doesn't impact on them. Just watch our 'current affairs' shows to see how they use racism to drive ratings. Might it be noted also that the only two other Asians to ever go on Big Brother were both voted out in their seasons first eviction. I LOVE that Mikkayla has become 'the cat' and is defying the odds. I think she probably IS bossy, but hey aren't we all a little somtimes ;-)
How do you know they were white Aussie hoons? This is racist in its self
i think mikkayla said something along the lines that her and heidi often do the asian accent as a joke but in the context that heidi used that time she wasn't to sure because she could tell heidi was pissed at her winning the games...but she wasn't too bothered by it and took heidi into the presidential suite.