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Episode Day 43 (Mon 9/09/13): Eviction #5

Missed out on tonight's episode.

I'm glad Heidi's out of the house.

Waiting for BBAU00001 to upload tonight's episode
[MENTION=35051]cry(TULLY)cry[/MENTION] posted a link for you, but does the official site work for you? They usually upload full episodes a few hours after airing. (Someone suggested turning off adblock if their videos don't load in your browser, and that works for me now in Chrome, and IE has always worked.)
[MENTION=35051]cry(TULLY)cry[/MENTION] posted a link for you, but does the official site work for you? They usually upload full episodes a few hours after airing. (Someone suggested turning off adblock if their videos don't load in your browser, and that works for me now in Chrome, and IE has always worked.)

I forgot about the OS lol or the channel 9 website has a catchup button.
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Well after BB showing Tully's crap behaviour AFTER the voting lines had closed for for the 2nd week in a row, I came and checked online to see that the evictee was again NOT Tully.

BB wants Tully in not out peeps. If BB wanted Tully to be evicted, then the producers would have shown her snappy crappy manipulations of Drew before the voting lines closed, not after.
Switching over to the Bachelor to avoid listening to the deafening cries of Tully when Heidi finally gets evicted here in the West.

Disappointed is Bunnie.

...Tully slides off the eviction bench, eyeing the humans left. She knows that there is an appropriate emotion she should portray. She looks around at the at being safe???'s the watering eye thing...yessssss...the crying thing she needs to project so that the others stay oblivious to her true nature. But how much sad should she use? The Others look unnerved. Tully smells the heady aroma of fear mixed with apprehension...she needs lots of sad to draw attention away from her actual happy state...she sucks in a huge breath and lets the water flow, adding in howls for good measure. Good. The Others will think she has emotions too....Drew glances over nervously. He is devastated that he was not evicted. He rubs his chin thoughtfully. At least he will have an easier night for tonight. IT will be happy IT is safe for another week.

This made me laugh so hard! Thanks for the laugh :) hahaha
Hi all, I rarely post but felt the need to say thanks to everyone on this and the live feed thread(s). I watch from the UK (Scotland) and don't see the show till it's available on youtube via BBAU00001 so the 2 threads are a godsend! I love reading the posts and refreshing like mad to keep up with you all! I thought all along it would Heidi who went ... but from what you say, she seems not to grasp the reality of who's popular and who isn't.

Tim for the win!
Hi all, I rarely post but felt the need to say thanks to everyone on this and the live feed thread(s). I watch from the UK (Scotland) and don't see the show till it's available on youtube via BBAU00001 so the 2 threads are a godsend! I love reading the posts and refreshing like mad to keep up with you all! I thought all along it would Heidi who went ... but from what you say, she seems not to grasp the reality of who's popular and who isn't.

Tim for the win!
BBAU0001 has had copyright problems and stopped uploading on Friday
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LOL Heidi is still coming off as a bitch after eviction
[MENTION=35051]cry(TULLY)cry[/MENTION] posted a link for you, but does the official site work for you? They usually upload full episodes a few hours after airing. (Someone suggested turning off adblock if their videos don't load in your browser, and that works for me now in Chrome, and IE has always worked.)

I'm on my ipad and I don't think it works on the ipad because it doesnt have flash (could be wrong)
LOL Heidi is still coming off as a bitch after eviction

Lol what a fucking moll. "I can't believe some people are still in there! Get them out!" Especially when the people she thinks will win (ie Matt and Ed) are the most boring to watch. I'm still laughing at her reaction to the percentages. Could she be any more self absorbed. I kind of wish it had been a bigger than 3% gap!
If Tim is nominated, obviously he will be the fake evictee. As if Tahan would ever in a million years get more save votes than him lol. Fat chance.

Honestly I just want Tully gone, watching her is getting exhausted and ruining my enjoyment of the show, I think it would be better for everyone if she was no longer in there...

Yes. And why the fuck did she storm of from Drew when he talked about how he still loves his ex and then she gets all defensive when he asks her about Thalia. Double standards. I hope that when Drew looks back on this he sees how manipulative she was and stays well the fuck away from her.

Like you I'm going to stop watching for a while. Ill check in each Monday night for evictions until Tully is gone. I enjoy filling my brain with fun and laughter and normal human ups and downs but I cant poison myself anymore with this selfish immature mean hypocritical blind moping teenage bullshit that she dishes out.
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Oh, I almost thought the "meow" comments from Sonia to Mikkayla were about her cattiness.

Right, she meant the getting saved every week thing.

Yes, there are several meanings to the word "cat," and I'm a little surprised that Mikkayla, an English teacher, doesn't get it. She was originally called a cat because of the nine lives reference, but she keeps making that clawing motion like Julie Bishop, which means she is redefining it to mean catty or bitchy. Then there's the third meaning, which is "scaredy cat," and Mikkayla has shown plenty of fear every time she has been up for eviction. Tim says "No guts, no glory," and Mikkayla has shown she has no guts at all.
random thoughts

- sonia has a natural hourglass figure, and that dress unbalanced her by adding volume to her hips. the designer should be shot.

- drew and tully clearly have more going on than friends, given the nature of the questions they are asking each other, there is no doubt about that now

- was matt even in the show tonight? oh, that's right, they had him pose in a budgie smuggler.

- ed is clearly sending positive signals to jade sometimes. this makes him a tease and a douchebag

- jade's performance in the beauty pagent was hilarious. top marks for playing it up

- tahan should be ashamed of herself for performing in the show. if she had half a brain, she would have acted purely as MC.

- tim is totally awesome for not only engineering the tahan win, but then rubbing salt in the wound with her later

- mikkayla's impersonation of tahan was on a completely different level to tahan's impersonations. firstly, tahan has done many, many people. second, tahan does it unprompted. third, tahan does it purely to get laughs (ie to make fun of her targets). mik was specifically referencing tahan's behaviour and what it said about the day's events. if you can't see the difference, i got nothing for you, see you back at camp.

- glad to see Lucy was not serious about tim, and vice versa. in fact, they actually seemed to have fun laughing about it after.

- ben's highlight reel was telling - nothing new in the last month. so why are people still voting for him? perhaps the invisible edit is serving him well, otherwise people might realise how tired and boring he is

- well done, heidi. you managed to show how completely oblivious you were not only in the house but also to the crowd. you are truly a radio personality - mouth running, brain not engaged and no feedback input to realise it.

- back to sonia, yes this was her most interesting post-eviction interview, but only because she shut up and let heidi hang herself. gretel would have made sure heidi kept digging

- i like the fake eviction twist (yes, they're stealing our suggestions - good. we're better at running this show than they are), but considering how LNF has turned into dog's balls, I'm expecting them to fuck up the fake eviction too.

- the only person who could benefit from some secret spy powers in the fake eviction is tim, the rest aren't smart enough. that said, mikkayla getting it would be laugh out loud hilarious when she re-entered.


Utterly brilliant. I agree with everything you said except I maybe thought Ben a tad more interesting, but then he was forced to perform in the band so...
Omg if Ben gets the fake eviction he
Wouldn't know how to make anything advantageous at all. Oh it really could be a train wreck. Definitely needs to be Tim. But will he be nominated?
LOL Heidi is still coming off as a bitch after eviction

There's a few ppl in that house that think they're better than others. Not a very nice trait
LOL Heidi is still coming off as a bitch after eviction

Cya later u fat whale! She's just mad because she probably thought that she was your popular or something like that and was going to get saved. How stupid! So happy she got out :)
Karma is a bitch and you got what you deserved!
Finally watched the episode - The problem with Heidi is that she actually thinks her loud bubbly personality is adorable and endearing which was really evident from her over the top act on stage when even Sonia seemed to be losing patience with her.