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Episode DAY 17: DAILY SHOW (60m) + CONFIDENTIAL (30m)

I don't know why BB want us to see her crying instead of conversation between HMs.

BB show us what he wants, someone could be crying ever more than her and we don't see that if it is not in BB's plans.

Also Tully could be very interesting but we are not been showed that part of her.

BB is setting her up as the new Estelle. You either love her or hate her.
This is ridiculous. Please get Jade out now - Ed has made it clear he wants nothing to do with her or her mole. I do not want to have "love square" and "poor Jade/Drew's broken heart" storylines shoved down my throat.
Also, BS on the girl code, you can't go around all the single guys flirting to make a claim on them. Besides he already laid out his intentions and you are a grown ass woman.
Girl code? Did Jade just say girl code?? Jade's version of the girl code is that she has first rights to anything with a pulse and a penis! Even if they are not her 'type'.
Jade is an utter fool, bet she reads Mills & Boon, and she gets more ordinary looking by every show.....her carriage and facial expression are crap, she has no gracefulness.

Tahan is a far better package, has her head screwed on and is a good sport.And she moves much better.