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Episode Day 8 - The Latecomers (90min special)

Right so interesting show tonight

When Tahan called out Tully for talking over people, Tully then stomped outside and sulked. What a loser haha. Way too much recapping of Drew and Jade. Can't believe Ben bawled his eyes out - stop being such a sook! Can't stand Rohan - total douche! Katie and Lucy are annoying! So hilarious how all the guys were really excited when they came in tho! and then at the end Tully was crying!! what the hell? what a weirdo!!

This = what I thought in a nutshell
No they are part of the original cast. Not intruders at all.

Technically perhaps. I just think the connections have already been formed and they may as well be intruders. The week might have gone quick for us as we have only seen what, 7.5hrs of them, but the other HMs have already spent a long time together.

What I am saying is that I think they are at a disadvantage. Whilst there have been exceptions, I think these 3 (2 HMs) are going to be more vulnerable to be evicted earlier than the original 14.

Just my 2c
BB never said what would happen if the sisters got more than 3 metres apart? Nothing probably
- speaking of wasted air time, we're completely over sonia. between forwarding the recaps and sonia, we wound up catching up to the show with 30 mins left. fortunately a cup of tea and a bathroom break was just the pause we needed

Whilst I agree with basically all of your summary. I must add that Sonia was looking mighty fine this evening in that little black number!
Technically perhaps. I just think the connections have already been formed and they may as well be intruders. The week might have gone quick for us as we have only seen what, 7.5hrs of them, but the other HMs have already spent a long time together.

What I am saying is that I think they are at a disadvantage. Whilst there have been exceptions, I think these 3 (2 HMs) are going to be more vulnerable to be evicted earlier than the original 14.

Just my 2c
Yeah I agree that they are vulnerable but only to nomination. If they come across as boring or bad and get evicted well that is their fault. They have plenty of time before facing the public vote to win the public over.
random thoughts
- nice to see tully get a wake up call. i think she was trying to game mikkayla but got it thrown back in her face. she can't be nearly so obvious (nor fragile).

- jade is getting a bit too much of the brunt of the break-up. it was a set up people, no one's heart is broken.

- I hope we see some other side of ben, because this one-dimensional, naive crybaby has already grown tiresome

- sure, the looks on faces when they came in was hilarious (the boys were drooling, giggling neanderthals, and the girls had daggers ready to shank the competition), but how long until Latie is grating and the HMs want to gouge their eyeballs out and shove sporks in their ears to get away from them.

haha yep love all this! Especially about Jade - I can't believe how much everyone's jumping on her!
Yeah I agree that they are vulnerable but only to nomination. If they come across as boring or bad and get evicted well that is their fault. They have plenty of time before facing the public vote to win the public over.

Yeah. Nominations is what I was thinking.
With evictions though, I'd think they'd have a bigger mountain to climb to gain public support than if they were HMs from day one
I think they're jumping on jade cos they can see Drew is a little smitten. But you're right, that's not Jades fault, she was playing the part that BB set her. However the romantic in ppl will want to see them live happily ever after. I'd be lying if I didn't say I thought they made a cute couple. But the challenge was over and she was pretty much like "get away from me now" if she just was a little less happy about it ending I think it would have served her better. Just a thought
I think they're jumping on jade cos they can see Drew is a little smitten. But you're right, that's not Jades fault, she was playing the part that BB set her. However the romantic in ppl will want to see them live happily ever after. I'd be lying if I didn't say I thought they made a cute couple. But the challenge was over and she was pretty much like "get away from me now" if she just was a little less happy about it ending I think it would have served her better. Just a thought

This. Precisely. Maybe if it was in Smello-vision we'd understand her side of things more.
I think Jade is just feeling bad for lying to the HMs and needing to separate herself from Drew as quickly and drastically as possible to create her own 'position' as an individual HM. It would be an incredibly awkward social position for her now.
She had been worried about it, whereas Drew seems a bit more easy going.
Would it be sexist also to think that the guys are going to accept Drew more easily as a single bloke, whereas perhaps the girls might find it a little harder to trust and accept Jade?? I dunno. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I think that's what Jade is scared of though
I think Jade is just feeling bad for lying to the HMs and needing to separate herself from Drew as quickly and drastically as possible to create her own 'position' as an individual HM. It would be an incredibly awkward social position for her now.
She had been worried about it, whereas Drew seems a bit more easy going.

Yeah exactly! She was crying and saying sorry to everyone when it was "exposed". I mean come on - if you had to be stuck to a strangers side for a week wouldn't you be ecstatic to be relieved of that and to now be able to do whatever you want!
I think they're jumping on jade cos they can see Drew is a little smitten. But you're right, that's not Jades fault, she was playing the part that BB set her. However the romantic in ppl will want to see them live happily ever after. I'd be lying if I didn't say I thought they made a cute couple. But the challenge was over and she was pretty much like "get away from me now" if she just was a little less happy about it ending I think it would have served her better. Just a thought

Well said - you will even notice Jade pushing Drew away when he was still acting the part when BB called them all to announce the set up. They had to act the part right until the end! Jade did not!
My feeling after the show was that we're getting far too many gimmicks and far too little content. Maybe it's because I also watched Showdown before tonight's episode, but if feels like we're really not learning much about the housemates. We saw that Tahan has girl balls and that poor Drew has a bit of a crush, but other than that we have gimmicks. We don't have real people. Hell, Sonia reeled off a list of those gimmicks by saying we have the quirky one, the mother etc. The intro videos for Rohan and the dolls were just gimmicks, and the lack of content we see of the housemates interacting means we just have gimmicks. Gimmicks gimmicks gimmicks. Argh.

Tahan has been added to the housemates I like because she seems like a real person too now. Tahan, Tully, Xavier and Ben (alright, the Ben being different gimmick has worked on me).
oh, and one last thing missing from my random thoughts... mad props to matt for sticking to his guns and not following the crowd. dude's my hero.

the stark contrast to ben's reaction to having made the same decision (ie panic that they might think he was signalling that he wanted to be apart from the crowd) was startling, and perhaps even a little poetic. create situations that give us more moments like this, please.
^^ Yes I love that Matt just did his own thing! and then also was just so casual and said "I never really thought about it I guess"
When are we going to meet half these house mates. If you take out HM's diary room visits, Host Sonia Kruger's meaningless interruptions, Big Brother pointless mini tasks, no weekend daily shows, shortened daily shows now on Mon,Tue, Fri. It only really leaves Wed & Thur as full Daily show episodes. Why have so many HM's that we'll never see. JASMIN, SHARON, XAVIER, ED, MATT may as well not be there.
We don't pick the winner anymore. BB does and we get manipulated edits to ensure the voters vote that way.