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If Estelle won it would ultimately damage her...

I'm on my iPad, you are lucky to even get spelling and grammar, let alone paragraphs!
Wasn't really for random people to read anyway,just responding to op, and just explaining my views on Estelles psychology after many years of studying, and being around people that were raised by addicts, working with addicts, people with mental disorders like compulsive liars, and working with disadvantaged children etc She shows all the signs. And other things point to it too, like her forum posts and blogs.
Interesting psych analysis there. I agree with a lot of it. But I honestly believe she would be fine with the money and any ego problem wouldn't last long. I really believe she actually does have the maturity to handle it, based on how she appears to have handled herself in the house. But who knows. I'd like her to win so we can find out though :)
I'm on my iPad, you are lucky to even get spelling and grammar, let alone paragraphs!
Wasn't really for random people to read anyway,just responding to op, and just explaining my views on Estelles psychology after many years of studying, and being around people that were raised by addicts, working with addicts, people with mental disorders like compulsive liars, and working with disadvantaged children etc She shows all the signs. And other things point to it too, like her forum posts and blogs.
Was an insightful read.
I think as long as Estelle has a strong support network outside, she'll be ok, and you're right she has a good heart - Ultimately that's why she's my favourite.
She appears to be that much more considerate and caring than anyone in there.

I'm actually more worried about her viewing footage of how the others have spoken about her when she gets outside the house, I think maybe she shouldn't watch it at all.
Well you could read all his posts, he actually justifies himself pretty well.

If she wins they may was well announce it like this.....the winner of biggest pity party 2012 is Estelle.

Who said she never cries? Are you blind? She cried over a frigging toy horse last night!!
Actually I find Estelle quite endearing and like her child like behaviour, she is excluded from a clique/group who think they have the sole right to the title and have bitched and put her down all through this series. I didn't even like her at first but have come down very strongly on her side as she is the underdog none of the HM's thought could win.

She is the HM in a bubble, she doesn't speak bad of anyone and has to tolerate constant bitching and being put down for being her quirky self. I like this about her and I think she would be just fine about winning BB and hopefully can win a few equestrian events with her new horse when its over.

I also think some FM's get way too passionate about their favourite and should respect others opinions as long as they are constructive and not assassinating someone's character.

I have to say I find nothing endearing about a 24 year old woman who presents with child-like behaviours.

As Michael said - if they imagine she's 18- yes then you could cut some slack. I beg to differ- Estelle seems to exhibit behaviours of a 12 year old.

If she did win- I would hope someone manages the money for her- because based on her verbal and intellectual skills- as well as how she presents- she'd be ripe for the pickings.
So is the infraction I incurred for saying this thread was pathetic actually real or a joke?

It was purely in line with other comments I've made because there's a whole trend of people posting things against Estelle which appear to be attempts to discourage people from voting against her with nonsense. I stand by my assessment, although it is explained in other threads in response to other posts.

I believe this threads original post to just be another one of those posts.
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Such a sad misconception that crying is a sign of emotional immaturity.
So is the infraction I incurred for saying this thread was pathetic actually real or a joke?

It's real.

I expressed an opinion. Instead of contributing constructively you called me and the thread "pathetic" and added nothing more.

If you're not going to bring anything new to the thread then just stay out.
At the risk of being stoned and thrown to the lions, I agree.

I have nothing against her, but the only reason she would win would be pity. She was a "non-event" in the house until everyone started shouting bully and wanting to take her under their wing and punish the evil, manipulative, horrifying housemates. Please.

Agree, I don't see Estelle as anything special, the same as Camilla wasn't. Nice enough people, but not deserving of the worship they get.
If it was just 'your opinion' why did you feel the need to make that remark about Estelle fans?
I haven't proven you right....I've pointed you out as a gaslighter, which you are, you post your opinion without making some remark about 'Oooh wait til the Estelle fans get to you' and nobody would have given a shit.

Don't want to get burned? Then don't play with fire.

No I never said "Ooooh wait till the Estelle fans get you" I said "Your a brave, brave man Tim. The Estellites won't be happy" and reading the comments has been posted on this thread they are not.
As for being a "gaslighter" - if having a opinion that goes against the majority well then I'm happy to be called a "gaslighter".
As Rammstein sing "Fire! Fire! Bang! Bang!"
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Definitely agree.. She should have someone to control the money.. It'd be like giving an actual 12 yo 250k to spend in a candy store.
And she does behave like a 12 year old.. A big part of me thinks that's because she never had a proper childhood... She's still trying to experience one galloping around on toy horses and acting immature emotionally and being overly sexulized. Desperately gripping onto her youth because her youth was terrible.

Thank you for all those who read my long rant. I didn't think anyone would. Was quite shocked. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way.. I wonder if she past the psych test.. That's why they created psych testing.. Most shows require them to be passed.. But it makes me wonder now..
She seemed kinda normal at first. But she couldn't hide her deep seeded emotional trauma for long.

I think another big sign of her attachment issues would be the way she wants the attention badly, but then when she gets it she no longer wants it.. Like with Ryan..
Suddenly she lost interest, and now she's forgotten about him altogether.
She also had the crush on Josh, a crush on Sam, and now a crush on michael..
First she had to get Ryan because he was the hottest male in the house, and she wanted to feel validated by proving to herself she could have him if she wanted, got him, them didn't want him.

Then ange was with Josh, so she felt like she had to prove that she was the hottest by flirting with Josh and trying to prove to herself she could get him, then Sam came along, and layla wanted him, so again the competition was on to get attention from him, and it happened again with micheal.. She didn't show Michael any sort of interest until Zoe wanted him, then suddenly she had to prove to zoe that she was superior because she could root michael if she wanted to. Which I believe she doesn't even want to. She just wants to know she could if she wanted to, she needs to feel wanted Constantly. But when/if she gets them, she goes onto the next male. The worst part is, she saw michaels rant about how much he hates her, and she was so upset by it, yet she still pursued him.. That to me shows deep psychological issues.. Her need for attention exceeds anything else, she is pretty much repulsed by him, hates him even, yet still flirts with him and spooned with him.. Almost seems psychotic.
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At the risk of being stoned and thrown to the lions, I agree.

I have nothing against her, but the only reason she would win would be pity. She was a "non-event" in the house until everyone started shouting bully and wanting to take her under their wing and punish the evil, manipulative, horrifying housemates. Please.

I totally agree with Casper and Tim. Besides the obvious "victim" status, I don't think she has the emotional fortitude to cope with the fanatical attention she is bound to receive. Some (a lot) of her fans are very full on and talk about her like they know her personally. I'd find it downright creepy (and I am made of sterner stuff) when people are overly familiar. I agree with Tim - and I think even if she doesn't win she is going to find the attention overwhelming and scary.
I totally agree with Casper and Tim. Besides the obvious "victim" status, I don't think she has the emotional fortitude to cope with the fanatical attention she is bound to receive. Some (a lot) of her fans are very full on and talk about her like they know her personally. I'd find it downright creepy (and I am made of sterner stuff) when people are overly familiar. I agree with Tim - and I think even if she doesn't win she is going to find the attention overwhelming and scary.

She'll no doubt be getting negative attention too (all HMs do) and will be recognisable for quite some time - it will be like one extreme to the next for her.
She's already a trust fund kid so I don't see it making that much difference to her life, really.

Maybe she can get another horse and another land cruiser.

You sir need to check your facts, before you start spreading misinformation and Estelle hate propaganda.

She is the owner of a Range Rover, not a Land Cruiser.
She is the owner of a Range Rover, not a Land Cruiser.


And in all seriousness for the vocal opponents to my thread: "trust fund" was an exaggeration, but hey there must be a comfortable enough amount of money sitting somewhere for her to be riding horses.
Definitely agree.. She should have someone to control the money.. It'd be like giving an actual 12 yo 250k to spend in a candy store.
And she does behave like a 12 year old.. A big part of me thinks that's because she never had a proper childhood... She's still trying to experience one galloping around on toy horses and acting immature emotionally and being overly sexulized. Desperately gripping onto her youth because her youth was terrible.

Thank you for all those who read my long rant. I didn't think anyone would. Was quite shocked. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way.. I wonder if she past the psych test.. That's why they created psych testing.. Most shows require them to be passed.. But it makes me wonder now..
She seemed kinda normal at first. But she couldn't hide her deep seeded emotional tramua for long.

I think another big sign of her attachment issues would be the way she wants the attention badly, but then when she gets it she no longer wants it.. Like with Ryan.. Suddenly she lost interest, and noes she forgotten about him altogether. She also had the crush on Josh, a crush on Sam, and now a crush on michael.. First she had to get Ryan because he was the hottest male in the house, and she wanted to feel validating by proving to herself she could have him if she wanted, got him, them didn't want him. Then ange was with Josh, so she felt like she had to prove that she was the hottest by flirting with Josh and trying to prove to herself she could get him, then Sam came along, and layla wanted him, so again the competition was on to get attention from him, and it happened again with micheal.. She didn't show Michael any sort of interest until Zoe wanted, then suddenly she had to prove to zoe that she was superior because she could probably root mike if she wanted to. Which I believe she doesn't even want to. She just wants to know she could if she wanted to.l she needs to feel wanted. Constantly. But if she gets them, she goes onto the next male.

Your part about needing then rejecting the attention resonated with me. I seem to recall a conversation Estelle had with someone in the first week or so-(in the kitchen) talking about it was all about the chase for her- and once they showed interest- she lost interest.
It's real.

I expressed an opinion. Instead of contributing constructively you called me and the thread "pathetic" and added nothing more.

If you're not going to bring anything new to the thread then just stay out.

I guess I was responding in brief after more in depth explanations of my thoughts anywhere.

I'll reply.

Ok I get that Estelle is 'popular' (I thought the sk8er fad had died, but maybe I'm losing touch). And I also understand there's a good chance she'll win because of this residual sympathy about the "bullying".

But ultimately if Estelle won it would be pretty mentally damaging. Obviously at first she'd be elated and feel highly validated (something she's always seeking out). However this would quickly lead to very unrealistic bars being set.

I wouldn't be surprised if within a few weeks she's caught in a nightclub fight drunkenly screaming "don't you know who I am, I won Big Brother!" while other patrons look on in bemusement. (This has happened before with other HMs).

I mean the girl is clearly not yet emotionally mature bordering on a little unstable. Her dramatic, almost bi-polar shifts between having "new best friends" then sobbing uncontrollably after nominations demonstrate this. Her need to 'latch on' to people is as clear as day.

If she won Big Brother it would be teaching her the only way to feel validated in life is to be an attention seeking whore, which she was part-way to becoming in the first place. Winning BB would be a terrible life lesson.

I do consider this to just be another post among the many attacking Estelle to try and discourage people from voting for her.

As far as we can tell the whole skatey thing was what she was into in high school when she ditched school. I don't think she at all is a sk8er chick at all any more. It factors into basically nothing of her time in the house and is pretty much a red herring.

The bullying brought attention to her, however as a supporter of hers it was not support due to this. It is because the way she handled herself and her time in the house is much better than anyone else. I think she held her head up high. All the mean behavior of the others has only highlighted the good personal characteristics she has.

I actually think her very reaction in the face of all of this shows her to be mentally strong. So what if she cried after getting 19 nomination points? Generally she has handled the nomination situation very well, the same with being made an outcast. Being aware of people being two faced, bitching about her behind her back extremely well. To see someone handling it badly look at Ben last week after being nominated. He reacted worse and more emotionally than Estelle reacted in all of her nominations combined.

I also believe the whole, needs to latch onto people is clearly just more nonsense which fits into the way she has been treated in the house. With Ava, Estelle was considered to have latched on and done something wrong when she made friends. Was this because she was latching on or simply because people were jealous?

It was because the housemates were jealous the new person liked Estelle over them. They had also been pushing Estelle to the side. To quote house mates, they wanted her to sit in the weird corner by herself until she was evicted. They were very aware they were making her a pariah. The only thing she did wrong with Ava was making friends.

As always Estelle is always wrong. Ava couldn't possibly want to hang out with Estelle of her own choice. Sam and Michael couldn't possibly enjoy Estelle's company. She has to be doing something wrong.

The house mates constantly talk about hierarchy and Estelle not knowing her place. This completely comes down to them thinking they are better and she should speak when be spoken to. Everything from Ava to the boys is Estelle being bitched about, being accused of wrong doing for the simple fact she is speaking to people or trying to get along with people. She was considered as not being worthy of friendship.

To say she latched on? She was fine and someone came in she was friends with and she made friends. No latching at all. Now it's all because the house is smaller, less people and everyone hates Estelle for still being there.

The only times this bullshit of her doing something wrong, being clingy or flirty didn't come up. Was when she was hanging out with other people considered lessors, on the same low level of the hierarchy she is on.

After all she has gone through in the house, the way she has been treated. Completely contradicts the assertion in the original post. She has shown herself to be the most mentally tough person left in the house. Besides Sam but that's another story. I don't know if he can process anything properly.

Ben, can't keep his opinions consistent. He's quick to rage, quick to emotion. Constantly trying to be loved while hating everyone. Unable to take any of what he dishes out back. His reaction to nominations was weak and showed he's not mentally strong at all.

Michael got so upset and jealous when he felt rejected by Josh with Ava. He is so constantly obsessed with how he comes across, if someone dare says something that he thinks makes him look bad he flips out. As when Estelle against the group had the courage and strength to stand up and say she found his story offensive. Even now Michael is obsessed with how everyone is perceived where he and others fit. He is not emotionally strong at all. He can't even be himself having to play a character half the time.

Layla, someone else who has troubles with her emotions and anger. Look at the whole Angie stuff. Her apparent changes of heart. Her constantly jumping around boys. The most simple thing causes her to have an immature tantrum like a child.

Sam, the guys just playing a role and a character. I don't even think he knows who he is. I think he has no idea who he is, and where ever he is he becomes what he wants to be. Immune to everything like a rock.

Estelle has had the hardest time in the big brother house out of everyone left bar Sam. She has also dealt with the situation, fights in groups, bitching, nominations much more level headed and less emotional than everyone else. She has shown she's mentally strong. The entire premise of this OP is completely wrong. The proof is in the show. Not cherry picking the one moment Estelle cried at nominations.

She has shown herself to be tough, mentally and emotionally. If anything she has also shown herself to not require the validation and attention from the other housemates. She never tried to win people over, or be anything other than herself. As opposed to everyone else trying to be liked, trying to fit in. Even if they have to put others down, or their way in is by being mean and nasty. Everyone else generally takes things way too personally, over reacting. She has been strong through out and will continue to be strong when she leaves.

Hell everyone left, bar Sam has reacted pretty much worse than Estelle does to being nominated each time she's survived. She is strong and her mental health is in no danger at all when she wins.

It is funny how some people seem to know all about Estelle. What she will do with her money, how she will cope with the attention outside, how capable she is, or not.
I haven’t seen anyone knowing her personally, but that doesn’t stop the Estelle haters to claim they know what she will do.
It is a land rover. Pictures on her twitter.

Thank you for straightening that out.

I stand corrected.

Tim, you need to check your facts, before you start spreading misinformation and Estelle hate propaganda.

She is the owner of a Land Rover, not a Land Cruiser.